Whether or not you call her politics "radical," her popularity shows how millennial politics are now everyone's politics
People at a zoo in China recently noticed something about one of the rare birds there.
While discussing money in politics on Wednesday, President Obama broached a topic normally confined to academic circles: A law requiring people to vote.
Ted Cruz has a bit of an image problem while Rand Paul has a bit of a message problem. Cruz is more consistent but obviously more maligned. Both men are highly intelligent. Cruz is traditionalist while Paul thinks outside the box. Both men hold our rule of law in very high regard but at the end of the day each possesses a bit of what the other lacks.
Tom Cotton is hitting back at the Obama administration after they mocked him on the Iran secret side deals, calling him the 'international man of mystery' the other day. He wants to know why they c...
Donating to an organization that proudly aborts babies is far more heartbreaking than a Planned Parenthood fundraising prank about Mike Pence.
In closing; Rocky, if you want to criticize the Congressman's war and military record, please produce your DD-214.
An Ohio music professor who said Muslim women and girls are safer in the U.S. than in any Middle Eastern country has been forced to retire.
"He offered me some cabinet positions, which I'm very, very thankful for. It just didn't work out in terms of my private life,” Giuliani said.
Celebrate Lash Equality as James Charles from JCharlesBeauty introduces a mascara for all lash types. The So Lashy! Mascara's 3-in-1 brush shapes, molds and ...
President Obama blames climate change for his daughter's asthma attack when she was a toddler, an incident that caused the family to rush to the emergency room.
Seventy-two percent of Americans believe "traditional major news sources report news they know to be fake, false, or purposely misleading," according to a new poll from Axios and SurveyMonkey released on Thursday.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells Fox News he believes President Trump is more isolated than he realizes.
CALLS to destroy Nelson’s Column in London’s Trafalgar Square in the wake of the Charlottesville riots has sparked outrage.
A Wednesday "Good Morning America" piece gave President Barack Obama an open mic to claim that, in ABC's words, "climate change became a personal issue for him when his older daughter Malia, now 16, was rushed to the emergency room with an asthma attack when she was just a toddler." Somehow, ABC managed to avoid another possible contributor — besides the obvious possibility that Malia developed asthma independent of external influences — namely the President's 30-year smoking habit. He is said to have quit once and for all in 2011. USA Today columnist James S. Robbins wasn't impressed with the President's "reasoning," and with good cause, as he articulated in a Thursday evening column. He even managed to get a "there's been no warming for a long time" observation past USA Today's editors (links are in original; bolds are mine):
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump demanded that CNN, the host of the next GOP primary debate, pay him $5 million to participate.
Oprah Winfrey Interviews Donald Trump in 1988 Donald Trump for President 2016
In light of the outcry from one particularly vocal Democratic mayor in Puerto Rico about relief efforts after Hurricane Maria, a video is quickly making its way across the internet purportedly showing what happened to many of the supplies sent to help the locals who were devastated by the storm.
The Left may hate her, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one of the Top 10 most admired women in America.
And unfortunately for liberals, the story has been confirmed as "true" by the liberal website Snopes, which acts as a fact-checker for lazy people.
2014 - Hillary Clinton laughs about the "hard choices" of sending US soldiers to the Middle East, while admitting she made a mistake voting to authorize the ...
Conservative challengers are not making gains in the GOP.
From the Kavanaugh hearings to a lawsuit alleging that Harvard discriminates against Asian-Americans, the Left sees “white supremacy” at the heart of everything.
According to Mike Allen at Axios.com., Hillary Clinton’s team had very specific choices for Cabinet positions if she had been elected, with one quite interesting aspect: because of the paucity of blacks in the prospective Cabinet, the EPA and Education jobs were listed as “Likely an African American.”
Here’s how Allen, who spoke with members of the Clinton campaign, delineated whom Clinton would have picked:
In this episode, Matt talks about Wesleyan College's LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM dorm, and discusses progressivism's flawed ideas about identity and community.
Watch an interview with Rand Paul as part of our Conservation with the Candidate series.