As Breitbart News reported, Planned Parenthood claimed that they had been hacked on Sunday evening. But it looks like an inside job.
A judge has dropped the charges against all five suspects who were arrested at a compound in northern New Mexico.
While families mourn and make plans to bury their loved ones, some Democrats actually have the audacity to send out fund-raising letters so they can capitalize off of those innocent lives lost..
Only 37 Electors are needed to change the course of history. Record your own video addressing the Electors directly—let them know why you support them, and s...
CHICAGO — Jeb Bush’s candidacy has a problem, says brother George. “Me.” “It’s an easy line to say, ‘Haven’t we had enough Bushes?’ After all, even my mother said, ‘Yes,’” the former president told an audience of 7,000 health IT experts here on Wednesday. “That’s why...
Even though Hillary Clinton had help going down a set of stairs in India today, she still nearly fell down. While visiting Jahaz Mahal in Dhar’s Mandu, Clinton was attempting to descend about 15 stairs.  She was holding the arm of an aide. With Huma Abedin following behind, Clinton slipped about halfway down the …

The Racist Roots of Gun Control

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

A better, modest proposal for crime-ridden cities is to turn them into Second Amendment Zones.
Visas will go to seasonal workers who staff fisheries, summer resorts and golf courses
Republicans made a promise they can’t keep. Obamacare supporters have chances to use that against them.
After Bibi Netanyahu shared how Iran has lied to and deceived America about its nuclear program, defenders of Iran said, “So what?”
Trump has criticized Alicia Machado for her weight gain while she was Miss Universe.
London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has already been controversial for his ?openness? towards Islamic immigrants with no plans what so ever to ...
In his recent broadcasts, talk radio host and conservative author and litigator Mark R. Levin has told his listeners that the subtitle of his new book, Plunder and Deceit, is even more important than the title. The subtitle reads: “Big Government’s
Clinton said some Trump supporters are "racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic."

10 deadly lies about Israel

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

For those who didnt know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving heavy weights.
Clarence Mason Weaver was once so filled with hatred towards white people in America, that he broke up with a girlfriend who had a white dog, the now-conservative told The Daily Caller New Foundation
“The Clintons are like herpes,” actor Tim Allen said last month, “Just when you think they’re gone, they show up again.” As if on cue, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has come back to life with a new plan to continue her family’s political dynasty – and she’s anointing her daughter...
Sarah Ditum: As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter why any woman wants to end her pregnancy. If it's to select for sex, that's her choice
The threat of collapse still loomed over Germany's three-month old coalition government on Wednesday after crisis talks into the early hours failed to resolve a row over immigration between Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Bavarian allies.
President Trump's pick to run Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Tuesday called for a crackdown on so-called sanctuary cities, saying politicians who help run them should be charged with crimes.
Three people were injured in four shootings in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht on Wednesday night and during the early hours of Thursday morning. None of the victims sustained life threatening injuries.
Universities, rather than being forums for free expression, are encouraging “safe spaces” to protect delicate sensibilities.
Reince Priebus blasted Hillary for permanently deleting emails.