The "Never Again Movement," a social/political movement that began as the result of the Florida school shooting, has grown quite substantially over the past month since the tragedy occurred. Fake news and big-time mainstream media
The celebrity chef has been an outspoken critic of the President-elect.
In a speech that one-upped even some of the president-elect’s colorful Twitter commentary, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called Donald Trump’s political enemies “worse than prostitutes” for disseminating a dubiously-sourced dossier last week alleging a relationship between Trump and the Kremlin.
The city does have a problem with gang murder, and its sanctuary policy will make it worse.
U.S. President Barack Obama returning to Washington from a golfing trip to Palm City, Florida, nearly slips but catches himself on the steps of Air Force One. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
This week we asked ABC News contributor and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol five questions about Donald Trump, the GOP's current frontrunner for the nomination for president, and the broader 2016 race for the White House. Kristol will appear on the "This Week" roundtable Sunday. 1] You sent a...
Three brothers who managed office IT for government officials were relieved of their duties in February on suspicion that they ...
#TheRefinery crew discusses the disgusting salaries certain government workers are taking in- for doing things like polishing coins and doing laundry! A fede...
Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill deducted $1,042,000 in charitable contributions last year -- $1 million of which went to their own family non-profit, the Clinton Family Foundation. [dcquiz] C
Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), a leader in the character assassination against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has admitted that the fight over federal judge is about abortion. By R. Cort Kirkwood
After the food stamp rolls swelled for years under the Obama administration, fresh figures show a dramatic reduction in states that recently have moved to restore work requirements.
Mati Weiderpass called boycotters "small and intolerant" in an op-ed Sunday.
House Republicans gave Democrats a chance to walk-the-walk on Wednesday when they put on the floor a nonbinding resolution in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency many liberals had been declaring should be abolished. The opposition to ICE failed spectacularly as only 34 were willing to vote “no.” It was an embarrassing turn of events that went completely unreported on the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC.
'That we have to sue in federal court to get a document that was read to a reporter at The New York Times is a scandal,' the group's preside...
The Education Department will now investigate schools for failing to refer to transgender students by their "preferred name or pronoun," and it could reinstate Obama's bathroom policy. by Michael Tennant

Paper Tigress

Submitted 10 years ago by ActRight Community

Best of the Web: Mrs. Clinton turned over printouts, not emails, James Taranto notes.
The man who allegedly threatened President Trump and John Morganelli may have broken into a home overnight in Schuylkill County, authorities say.
The top-paid OSU diversity czar makes $265,000.
Ferguson, Missouri – The Missouri chapter of the Oath Keepers are planning to hold an open carry march through downtown Ferguson, Mo., which will reportedly involve arming 50 black protestors with AR-15 rifles. By:  Jay Syrmopoulos This article first appeared at FreeThoughtProject. The decision to hold the event transpired after St. Louis County officials, in violationRead More
Hillary Clinton is currently the subject of the highest-profile national-security investigation in recent memory. She is also the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. She is also the wife of a former president (a Democrat). She is also a former member of the (Democratic) presidential cabinet whose attorney general, Loretta Lynch (a Democrat), is conducting the investigation and will determine whether to prosecute. Someone who doesn’t know any better might wonder about a conflict — or conflicts — of interest. #ad#Now it emerges that on Monday evening Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch spent a half-hour chatting aboard Lynch’s private plane on the tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Rest assured, though: “There was no discussion of any matter pending for the department or any matter pending for any other body,” Lynch told reporters afterward. She and the former president mainly discussed Clinton’s “grandchildren,” their travels, and “golf.” If it was not already clear, it most certainly is now: It’s not simply that our highest officials are above the law. It’s that they know they are, and they can’t even be bothered to hide it. An attorney general capable of feeling even an ounce of shame would have nixed the meeting with Clinton in the interest of projecting some modicum of objectivity. For more than a year, we’ve known that Hillary Clinton broke the law. The Federal Records Act explicitly requires “the head of each Federal agency” — including the secretary of state — to preserve any “records,” including e-mails, related to the agency’s essential operations; and federal criminal law punishes as a felony anyone who “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys” an official government record.” Furthermore, at least 2,000 of the e-mails on Clinton’s private server contained classified, or even “top secret,” information — in direct contradiction of her assurances, and the law. Finally, it became public knowledge in October that Clinton forwarded the real name of a confidential CIA source over her unsecured private server; shortly after, the State Department refused to release three-dozen pages of e-mails on the grounds that the intelligence contained in them could potentially damage national security. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, Loretta Lynch is almost certainly not going to prosecute the former secretary of state. The Democrats’ hold on power is at stake. Failure to prosecute would be a grievous blow to the rule of law, but it seems that Democratic higher-ups don’t much care. And, what is more, they can’t even be bothered to pretend. An attorney general capable of feeling even an ounce of shame would have nixed the meeting with Clinton in the interest of projecting some modicum of objectivity. Even Bill Clinton, for whom being alone with a woman on a private plane is just an average Monday, might have been persuaded that this particular rendezvous was bad optics. But apparently not. #related#For years, Democrats have decried the “appearance” of impropriety among officeholders. When the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that independent expenditures “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption,” New York governor Andrew Cuomo called the reasoning “either naïve or Machiavellian.” Democrats have long contended that even the appearance of impropriety — let alone actual corruption — undermines public confidence in the government. Just imagine if Alberto Gonzales had had a private pow-wow with Scooter Libby’s wife in 2006. But Democrats are, as always, exempt from their own rules. What has changed is that they’re no longer even pretending otherwise. — Ian Tuttle is a National Review Institute Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism.
Cato Institute Immigration Policy Analyst Alex Nowrasteh debated Fox New's Tucker Carlson on Immigration reform. Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeryDicey Websi...
These are the main reasons I'm not a member of the Democratic party! I welcome comments! :) LIST OF THE REASONS , LINKS AND TIMESTAMPS: 10. The government ha...
This is not the response they were looking for...
As the debate heats up over the removal of controversial statues throughout the country, vandals targeted a monument dedicated to […]