Amnestied Illegals May Receive Social Security As Early As 2017 -
Ted Cruz’s announcement that he is running for president was immediately greeted with hostility from the liberal media. On Monday, MSNBC’s Jonathan Alter questioned, “Is this 1964 when the Republican Party decided it would go with its most extreme candidate?” Donny Deutsch, also on MSNBC, called Cruz “unelectable” and added “I think he’s the worst. I think he’s scary, I think he’s dangerous, I think he’s slimy and I think he brings no fresh ideas.”
Is the FBI completely incompetent? Or is the Bureau just stupid?
Unfortunately, those are the only two choices available at this point.
The former secretary of state has decades of experience in managing controversy.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced Friday he is suspending his presidential campaign, making his the first Republican candidate to end his 2016 White Hou
Hasta la vista, culture wars.
In Religious Freedom Victory Federal Court Blocks Obama Abortion, Transgender Regulations | RedState
Because Title IX is referenced as providing the interpretation of Obamacare sex discrimination ban, O’Connor found that Obama administration's expanded definition of sex discrimination exceeds the [Title IX] grounds” provided for in the ACA, making that provision contrary to law and a violation of the APA.
Now it is up to the voters to decide if we are a nation of laws or men.
Originally published under the title "How Cultural Relativism on Campus Has Chilled Freedom of Expression." My seminar students at McGill University told me that you can't say anything at this university without being accused of being sexist, homophobic,
An entire Indiana town is without a police force after every single officer resigned.
The short campaign has started and inevitably the political gloves will come off. Unfortunately for me, and indeed many current UKIP candidates and supporters, the fight is getting far too close to home. Over the past few days I have
The U.S. will aggressively counter Iran’s attempts to carve out an arc of influence that stretches from Tehran to Beirut via Baghdad and Damascus, visiting National Security Advisor John Bolton said Wednesday in Jerusalem.
Under such a system teachers become essentially therapists, and students become essentially patients.
Over the past few years, a number of people, especially my friend John Henry , have been singled out for harassment by a group of people who...
An attempt to pin down what might come after the current religious liberty debate.
So what are we supposed to do about China, presuming we have to do something? I don’t know, not for sure, and anyone who claims to have all the answers ...
"It takes a special kind of person to write a bill that is worse than Graham-Durbin."
U.S. House Republicans are calling for an investigation into tax dollars funneled through the U.S. Agency for International Development program to foundations controlled by billionaire liberal puppeteer George Soros. Seven congressmen in January are demanding answers from USAID, the State Department, and Obama-appointed ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Bailey, over millions in U.S. funding funneled …
Lo and behold, there are Latinos who support Senator Ted Cruz's candidacy for President of the United States. That was the discovery Univision made while covering the Texas Senator's presidential campaign announcement at Liberty University.
Sex is an awesome power. You can try to dam it up and deny it. It won’t work any more than a first grader’s magnet will reverse the magnetic fields of Planet Earth. It won’t work for cunning hillbillies from Hope or big baller builders from Queens or priests from Harrisburg. Try whatever you like. ?
Fanatic Muslims in the village of al-Naghameesh in Sohag, some 450km south of Cairo, attacked the Copts in the village…
Max Eastman was the US's most erudite and principled communist, who eventually became a champion of the free market. Here is his story in his own words. "I wanted to extend that freedom to all men; I wanted to see a society without distinctions of caste, class, race, money-power—without exploitation."
"The American Left tells them that Israel is the aggressor."
Where to put a comma? Recent expulsion of the neo-nazi domain DailyStormer from Google made news. The unusually high ranking that DailyStormer website enjoyed in the Google Search before that esc…