Human rights groups have condemned the decision by Saudi prosecutors
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Donald Trump's bluntness would not be so successful if the Republican leadership were good at their jobs. Bill Whittle explains.
The organization declares that speech it doesn’t like can ‘inflict serious harms’ and ‘impede progress.’
After bombing hospitals and aid convoys during the latest abortive cease-fire in the Syrian War — notice I didn’t say “civil war” because this is now a global conflict — Moscow on Thursday generously proposed a 48-hour window to allow relief supplies to enter the besieged city of Aleppo, which Syrian government forces are doing a very good job of reconquering with Russian support.
He was elected to the KKK leadership position of Exalted Cyclops unanimously.
SAN FRANCISCO — Federal immigration agents arrested more than 150 people in California in the days after Oakland?s mayor gave early warning of the raids, it was announced Tuesday. U.S. Immigr…
The Clinton Foundation reportedly accepted millions from a Colombian oil company head.
Rhode Island’s state Senate on Tuesday passed a bill that would require candidates for president and vice president to make their tax returns public in order to get on the Rhode Island ballot.
Apparently it's not hard to find students, professors and staff of various colleges in California who are at least willing to donate to terrorist groups because they believe economic opportunity wi...
Foreword: There will be the accompanying critique of the modern Democratic Party coming next week. In the race for the Texas Senate seat up for grabs this November former Republican Presidential ca…
The ongoing unrest that forced the United States to close its embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, last month has also caused Pentagon officials to admit that they’ve lost track of $500 million in military equipment it donated to the country.
President Trump approved Air Force 2 to fly John McCain’s casket to Washington D.C. at the request of McCain and his family, yet the DC elitists still turned the funeral into a Trump-bashing session. This is further proof that nothing President Trump does to appease these people will ever get them to back down, even …

Hall of Fame

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Princeton Cumulative Results Won a record eight Team of the Year Awards Won a record nine Speaker of the Year Awards Won a record three Novice of the Year Awards Won one Club of the Year Award Won …
California’s terrible drought has become -- like just about everything else in the United States -- a political issue.
Congress can’t "commandeer" state legislators, but it can achieve the same result with "preemption."
Donald Trump sounds a lot like the Barack Obama of 2008.
On Wednesday, the major broadcast networks failed to cover in their evening newscasts the admission from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that federal officials released roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records in 2014 while announcing steps attempting to stop the issue. 

The Ballad of Rolling Stone

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If we could personify popular publications then Rolling Stone would be the limbo king, impressing us all with just how low it could go. It’s history as a music industry rag ...
Anonymous Male steps forward — Accuses Senator Corey Booker of Sexual Assault! An anonymous gay male stepped forward today and released a shocking description on how he was sexually assaulted by Senator Cory Booker back in 2014. The man claims Booker came to his workplace to speak, met him as he was coming out of …
Sanders implies "that a path to prison is the most likely alternative to a path to college. Pardon my acronym, but...WTF!?"
Don’t hold out for Hillary Clinton to take on Bill de Blasio for New York City mayor, a top Clinton confidante said Sunday. “I don’t expect her to ever run for any elected office again,” former Cli…
Whether a country has a trade deficit or a trade surplus, that is — with the world in general — does not make the slighest difference to its welfare
The aim of Obamacare was to reduce ER visits, but that hasn't happened.