
Report: Immigrants Use $6,234 in Welfare Benefits per Household, 41 Percent More than Non-Immigrant Households


There is never a need for ad hominem attacks, especially when it comes to the left. They offer enough lunacy and fodder for conservatives…


A Maryland blogger has been forced to pay a “substantial sum” to Melania Trump as part of a settlement for a defamation lawsuit over an article containing unsubstantiated claims that the first lady once worked as an escort, her lawyers announced Tuesday.


“Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided?”


Federal officials confirmed they have been asked to investigate her use of a private email server.


Over the weekend the Grand Forks Herald published an interview with Democratic U.S. House candidate Mac Schneider. In the interview, Schneider described himself as an ?independent.? Schneider, the Democratic candidate for North Dakota?s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, visited for an hour last week with the Herald?s editorial board. The board noted that it...


Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes reported joked about the assault on Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. by his neighbor, joking to a crowd that is shows ‘he can be beaten’ -- a remark that was criticized by Paul's chief strategist.


Ohio lawmakers approved a bill that bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, as early as six weeks after conception, clearing the way for one of the most stringent abortion restrictions in the United States if it becomes law.


Imagine if a Republican or conservative U.S. president told an audience — on foreign soil, no less — that he didn't properly warn Americans about how long it would take for the economy to recover from a recession. "So-and-so Admits He Lied About the Economy" would be headlined everywhere. At the University of the West Indies in Jamaica on Thursday, President Barack Obama essentially admitted that the he knew that the economic recovery would take far longer than advertised, but chose not to tell us. There's no other way to interpret the following answer to a student's question seen in the video following the jump. But somehow, this isn't news.


Watch This Trump Superbowl Commercial You Absolutely Missed
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • trump eagles patriots washington redskins kirk cousins superbowl commercial
If You Thought You've Seen Every Superbowl Commercial. Then Just Like The New England Patriots... YOU LOSE!


Hillary Clinton?s campaign tried to remove an MSNBC personality from the air after she aired criticisms of the Democratic presidential candidate, the host revealed Friday. Mika Brzezinski, a …


Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was prohibited Tuesday night from speaking on the Senate floor for the rest of the debate over Sen. Jeff Sessions' nomination to be attorney general.


The dollar gained on Friday on expectations of a constructive meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, while Trump's comments on tax reform Thursday continued to support the greenback.


Science writer and author Matt Ridley discusses climate change with EconTalk host Russ Roberts. Based on his reading of the scientific evidence, Ridley describes himself as a


College Republicans at UC Irvine are planning to distribute baby pacifiers to campus liberals planning a "safe space" ahead of Milo's visit.


Do conservatives really care more than others about loyalty, authority and sanctity?


Governor Jerry Brown has signed three new gun control bills into law.


MIAMI — Rivals Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton will speak at the same event for the first time during the presidential campaign when they deliver their messages to black voters at the National Urban League conference in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, a gathering that will also draw three more 2016 contenders.


A new Channel 2 Action News poll of Georgia Republicans shows that voters support Donald Trump over any other candidate for the 2016 election.


Can tax cuts exist in the era of the $20 trillion debt? A better query asks: how do spending increases thrive in the era of the $20 trillion debt? Investor’s Business Daily indirectly answered these questions in an editorial earlier this week. “Even with an allegedly budget-busting tax cut, the federal government will claim a greater share of the nation's economy in 2027 than it does today, and that share will be above the average for the previous 50 years,” IBD notes about Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates. “The only reason deficits continue to climb over the next decade is


The week of May 8 to 15 closed a chapter in my life whose first pages were written in France before I made my 1947 debut, in New York City. My father’s first cousin, William Friedman, authored those pages by deed. Bill enlisted in the Army in 1938 and made the first of his three ?


An African man from England brutally attacked and knocked out three German Police officers at a brawl at the Frankfurt Airport on Wednesday. The fight starte...


For once we’re listening to a woman who refuses to wear either a scarlet letter or a superwoman’s cape.


Georgia business owner Anthony Harris is making a point about free speech and oversensitivity in the U.S. by flying a different controversial flag in front of his store each week.