McCain and Kara-Murza had each other’s backs as each criticized Putin and what they saw as his autocratic tendencies in Russia.
A potential draft of new federal campus sexual assault policies was leaked this week, so expect a new round of false and misleading statistics to be shared by those who claim due process “p
CSIS uses Antifa to Dox and Honeypot Freedom Convoy FBI RCMP audrey cottle 420chan hacktivism police snitch terrorism doxing givesendgo
The overseers of the U.S. intelligence community have not embraced a CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election, three American officials said on Monday.
Anderson Cooper Refuses To Admit To Kathy Griffin He Voted For Hillary Clinton Kathy Griffin fails to get Anderson Cooper to admit he voted for Hillary Clint...
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News media's sloppy week: Column

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

When newsrooms run with stories too good to be true, they should diversify their ranks.
Breitbart News, headed by Executive Chairman Steve Bannon, has been giving Fox News a “run for its money,” exclaimed Hillary Clinton in her latest memoir released today.
President Obama is squaring off against the liberal flank of his party Tuesday as Senate lawmakers head into a key test vote on the president’s trade agenda.
I lived in Delaware in 2010, a few miles from the pediatric offices of Dr. Earl Bradley. I'd never heard of him until the news started reporting that he'd been indicted on felony charges. His crime: raping more than a hundred of his patients. His youngest victims were no more...
Local reports indicate a suspect connected to recent bombings in Austin, Texas, is dead.
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/econstories If you enjoyed this video, you should watch this one next: http://youtu.be/Mq2iQAsJAhI Prod...
‘It’s the Lord of the Flies on LaSalle Street,” wrote columnist John Kass. In case the references are unclear, whether because high schools haven’t been assigning the William Golding novel in the l…
Ancient Egyptians, employing an arduous system of hieroglyphics to represent numbers in their ignorance of zero, displayed a man holding his hands over his head for 1,000,000 in seeming astonishment that numbers ran so high. Americans presented with our national health care bill increasing resemble that hieroglyphic. We average more than $10,000 per person this year in health care expenses. This collectively amounts to more than $3 trillion, a figure approximating nearly a fifth of our gross domestic product. Few nations pay even half that portion, and similar nations do not expend anything close to such an exorbitantly high percentage
FRANCE-SHOOTING/HONDURAS (URGENT):Honduras detains 5 Syrians heading for U.S. with stolen Greek passports-police
Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly underscored on his radio show that he does not officially endorse Republican candidates in a primary, but Monday he may just have unofficially endorsed one: the only "unquestioned conservative" who's "demonstrated opposition to the establishment" in the race, Ted Cruz.
Apparently, it's not enough that UND's administration is attacking the quality of education by cutting programs and experienced faculty and jacking class sizes. Now, we must also feel under physical attack as well. I look up from my office computer to see two figures in camo with guns outside my win...
Today, it’s Amy Mek, it could be you tomorrow if you espouse the wrong viewpoint. A Trump-supporting Twitter user known to post unsavory tweets slamming radical Islam and the left’s progressive agenda has effectively had a target put on her back, courtesy of Huffington Post. Tweeting under the name Amy Mek, the social media user …
There are a number of reasons to sabotage The Party of Trump even if it ends with a President Hillary.
“I think you are losing your culture,” Trump told The Sun in comments published on the day he arrived in Britain on his first presidential visit. “Look around. You go through certain areas that didn’t exist ten or 15 years ago.”
Authorities in Munich Friday responded to reports of shot fired at the Munich Olympia Shopping Center, Reuters reported.
Any player or coach for a high school sports team in the Diocese of Camden who doesn't "demonstrate appropriate respect" during the national anthem will be subject to a two-game suspension, the diocese said in a note sent to school administrators and coaches earlier this month.
Trey Gowdy, a National Treasure, roasts CNN Reporter while she attempts to veer away from Hillary Clintons emails and make light of the situation. She tries ...
They come wearing black, with masks covering their faces. They bring rocks, fireworks, jars of urine and boards with nails to attack those who disagree with them. They are known as Antifa – short...