Beautiful First Lady Melania Trump on International Women’s Day (Daily ) First Lady Melania Trump hosted a women’s luncheon today ...
Representatives of Fusion GPS must answer a broad array of questions about the opposition research firm’s role in creating, investigating and disseminating the infamous Steele dossier, a federal judge ruled. U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro issued the decision Tuesday in a defamation lawsuit a Russian tech executive filed against BuzzFeed News, which published the ?
Tucker Carlson vs. Kurt Eichenwald over his hostile tweets about Trump, with one specifically claiming that Trump was institutionalized in a mental hospital.
Now that the National Security Strategy is released, the public can get a look at what the Trump administration considers important for foreign policy.
Special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly told President Trump's lawyers last month that he does not consider the president to be a criminal target at this point in his investigation.
The relationship between service member and commander-in-chief can be complicated during a time of war. The decision to send troops into battle is one of the most important decisions a U.S. president can make. As VOA's Kane Farabaugh reports, one former soldier's relationship with her former commander-in-chief, President George W. Bush, is a story that inspires the artwork behind Bush's latest effort to focus on America's veterans.
"...anyone who is a true Christian...."
As if the public needed any more evidence that violence is a central part of Antifa’s mission, conservative comedian Steve Crowder has published footage that he and his producer surreptitiously recorded after infiltrating a local Antifa cell and accompanying it to a protest at the University of Utah...
USA Today has put Ted Cruz in 2nd place, just behind Donald Trump, in their GOP Power Rankings, saying it’s the first time he’s been this high in the 14 weeks they’ve been doing t…
Never-Trump aides do Hill outreach: Trump blocked on wall, immigration
Taos County, New Mexico, Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said there was a reason to believe that Lucas Morten and others, including Siraj Wahhaj, 39, of Clayton County, Georgia, were living inside the compound.
Fresh off a despicable hot mic slip urging a Muslim Congressman to play up his identity for political gain, former Speaker of the House and 100-year-old Democrat Nancy Pelosi made stomachs turn during a recent town hall event hosted by CNN's Jake Tapper.
Iraqis love the holiday of love, so terrorists in occupied part of Mosul have banned red clothes for the day.
Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor, told TV talk show host Charlie Rose that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before Congress about Iran is “destructive” to the relationship between the United States...
They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along & spoil it. ~ Thelonious Monk (Monk’s Advice, 1960) As against our gauzy national hopes, I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible. ~ Ekow N. Yankah (New York Times, 2017) In the fall of 2016, I was hired to play in Rihanna’s back-up band at the MTV Video Music Awards. To my pleasant surprise, several of my friends had also gotten the call. We felt that this would be the gig of a lifetime: beautiful music, primetime TV, plus, if we were lucky, a chance to schmooze with celebrities backstage. But as the date approached, I learned that one of my friends had been fired and replaced. The reason? He was a white Hispanic, and Rihanna’s artistic team had decided to go for an all-black aesthetic—aside from Rihanna’s steady guitarist, there would be no non-blacks on stage. Though I was disappointed on my friend?s behalf, I didn’t consider his firing as unjust at ?
RUSH: Democrats have been making racist statements, and the Drive-By Media has been ignoring them left and right.
Buckle your seat-belts for some shocking news. The New York Post reports that during a phone call, President-elect Donald Trump told Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that he likes him more than Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
New Census data shows that over 2 Million people moved from within the country to no-income-tax and right-to-work states from other states during the Obama years.
The alt-left recently tagged the infamous golden statue of Joan of Arc with “tear it down!” These idiots don’t even ...
Kiev official claims mammals starved themselves to death following takeover of military base
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt heads to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) headquarters Tuesday to address staffers about the agency’s new direction under the Trump administration
According to multiple reports on Tuesday, President Trump told Senate Republicans that the House version of Trumpcare, passed just weeks ago and celebrated at the White House by Trump himself, was too “mean.” CNN reported:
FEMA administrator Brock Long defended a series of tweets from President Trump blasting San Juan's mayor for criticizing the relief efforts following Hurricane Maria. In an interview on CNN, Long s
Earlier this month, the administration announced that insurers who lost money selling Obamacare would not get a $2.5 billion bailout—but it didn’t happen by chance.