
[mc_name name='Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)' chamber='house' mcid='R000570' ] has conditions to become Speaker of the House. One of those conditions is that the House of Representatives gut the ability to remove a future Speaker. You read that right. [mc_name name='Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)' chamber='house' mcid='R000570' ] wants the House of Representatives to neuter the ability of a majority to replace the Speaker of the House. | Read More »


The Stormy Daniels media circus thus far includes a porn star, the POTUS, alleged adultery, threats, sex, and serious scandal. And now, fittingly, we can add unholy abortion to the mix.


On Friday, May 10, Protestors trying to crash a celebration were denied entry to the assembly. They claimed they were invited, and not being able to protest in the middle of the event was a violation


Federal officials could eliminate $639 billion in wasteful spending annually â more than last year's deficit â by adopting more than 600 measures proposed by a nonprofit advocacy group.
The savings â which would add up to $2.6 trillion over five years â are found in 601 recommendations included in Citizens Against Government Waste's 2015 Prime Cuts report.
The November 2014 elections gave the Republican Party control of the Senate and a larger majority in the House. Congress now has a clear mandate to reduce spending by eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement, the group said.
Hanging over Capitol Hill during this shift in power is the nation's record $18.2 trillion national debt, which is a constant reminder of profligate spending in Washington. By following the blueprint provided by CAGW's Prime Cuts 2015, wasteful government spending can be cut and the nation can start on a path toward fiscal sanity, the report said.


Sacramento Those of us accustomed to California’s wacky brand of liberal politics often roll our eyes at some of the lefties who run the state Legislature. Even a progressive Democratic friend jokes about the “Marxists” in the Assembly, given their never-ending push to create government bureaucracies and deep hostility to the private sector. He exaggerates, but ?


The decision drew condemnation from Austin Petersen, one of the other candidates seeking the GOP Senate nomination.


Should we be surprised? We have been heading in this direction for decades now, as we plunge deeper and deeper into sexual anarchy.


“"Privileges" were once achievements of civilization that were to be protected and extended. Today they are to be regretted and checked.”


Escalating tensions between China and the Trump White House all but ensures that Okinawa’s years-long effort to oust American forces from the island will likely fall on deaf ears inside the new administration.


Following the recent destruction of various confederate monuments in the south, next on the liberal hit list appears to be the ...


Donald Trump healthier than his presidential predecessor, Barack Obama? Apparently so! Yesterday, White House physician Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson gave the 71-year old Trump a very strong clean bill of health, remarking how strong the President?s heart and lung functions were and how free of any significant ailments he is. Dr. Jackson even administered ?


"I have a bunch of questions," Carlson stated. "The first is, whose cars are you going to flip?"


When I was growing up we used to make fun of countries in Central and South America for the flimsy governments that were run by two-bit dictators who made up the script as they went along.


Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch told a US senator Wednesday that President Donald Trump's tweets about the judiciary are "demoralizing" and "disheartening."


Some farmers in Indiana harvested a 60-acre thank you message to President Trump after he announced his decision to permit year-round sales of E15 gasoline.


President Trump could help and force climate alarmists to answer questions theyve ignored


The Second Amendment is not about target practice or hunting


I donât remember much about my first appearance on television. I was down somewhere near the Medical Center about ten years ago, pretty much the only counter-protester to a couple of dozen protesters, and I canât even remember what the issue was that they were protesting. A news crew covering…


The Libertarian Party National Convention was met with a wave of attention yesterday after Governor Gary Johnson was elected as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee, and his running mate Go…


These people are reacting like the Devil to Holy Water


Once again, President Trump proves that he has his finger on the pulse of America, putting into words -- and actions -- what a majority of Americans across the country are feeling.


LOS ANGELES, CA—We all know LeBron James is an amazing human being, but seriously. Just when we thought he couldn't get any better, local media caught this powerful moment and WE CAN'T EVEN. Cameras caught the inspiring, heartwarming moment LeBron approached a homeless man last week at one of LA's many tent cities. Accordi …


We’re told the time of judgment is upon Bill Clinton at last. In the wake of the Weinstein-Halperin-Moore revelations that have shaken the foundations of the country’s cultural and political elites…


Anyone examining FBI and Justice Department abuses is smeared and ridiculed.