
As America awaits Hillary Clinton's test latest presidential campaign announcement here is a look back at a few of her more memorable lines. "Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at…


ISIS is continuing its attack on Christians in Iraq after blowing up the Virgin Mary Church in Mosul, which had once served as a sanctuary for the remaining


The anti-communist Brazilian writer and philosopher Olavo de Carvalho describes the advance of the world communist movement and what the free world, includin...


Every federal branch has seized power far beyond what it was intended to have.


You’ve heard it said that the science is settled. And it’s true. It is settled–settled beyond the possibility of any dispute. A fundamental, inescapable, indubitable bedrock scientific principle is that lousy theories make lousy predictions. Climate forecasts are lousy, therefore it is settled


President Trump on Friday announced that the Department of Justice (DOJ) would issue a new rule banning bump stocks.


Six witnesses to the shooting of Michael Brown were afraid to give testimony that would undercut the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative.


When Is Domestic Violence Ignored? When Men Are Victims


Get the shredders ready — the Tea Party could be coming. The city’s new municipal ID program allows for personal info provided by applicants to be destroyed at the end...


Donald Trump speaks out during a conference call with grassroots activists nationwide from Tea Party Patriots on Sunday night.


While many of their peers in Hollywood are more vocal than ever in speaking out against President Trump, Steve Martin and Martin Short say they’re purposely avoiding the subject.


Chairman Bachtell breaks with Susan Sarandon, says it’s too risky not to back a Democrat.


“i wonder if she is the problem or her overprotective and intolerant dad? teach tolerance. https://t.co/DbxAkrrH7n”


Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: http://itsh.bo/10r5A1B In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher calls on liberals to stop attacking people who agree with th...


If Scott Walker can run for president, he is challenging the basic cultural class identity of the mainstream left.


Never before in human history has a group of people been given the astounding opportunities Millennials experience today.


BBC Horizon - Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis David Reimer (birth name: Bruce Reimer, born: August 22, 1965 -- died [suicide]: May 4, 2004) was born as a...


Behold, Nancy Pelosi, the monster you yourself created.


ABC's Diane Sawyer drilled the former Secretary of State about brain damage rumors, but Hillary seems fine. Mostly. More CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video Te...


After saying that Washington's wish for our first veterans should be our wish for every veteran that has followed, Palin asked whether America has lived up to Washington's wish for America's veterans. Palin said she was asking not as a politician but as a mother of a combat veteran.


Principal William Dugat wrote the discriminatory comments on Facebook, reportedly in regard to a photo of Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke, who is running for Senate.


The media are very upset about GOP Senators' open letter to Iran explaining U.S. law. That's fine, but they don't get to make up stories out of whole cloth.


Sen. Rand Paul wins hearts, and the Cato Institute primary, during a weekend visit to Naples, Florida.