
A Western Pennsylvania lawmaker who won re-election in November was not sworn-in to the state Senate on Tuesday with the rest of the victors, as Republicans...


On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Missouri Senate hopeful Josh Hawley told host Chuck Todd that the craziness of the Left during the hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh… Hold on a sec… By the way: Can you believe the craziness???? It was monumental — celebrities tweeting support for Ford, incredibly immature disruptions in the courtroom, women picketing outside the Capitol, ladies accosting Jeff | Read More »


France’s Conseil d'État (State Council) banned the award-winning “Dear Future Mom” video from airing on French television due to concerns that the expressions of happy children with Down syndrome in the video were “inappropriate” because they were "likely to disturb the conscience of women who had lawfully made different personal life choices.”


Bradley Olson, national energy correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, talks with Rachel Maddow about the close relationship Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil CEO and candidate for Trump secretary of state, has with Vladimir Putin.


Feminists have cooked up another scam to help financially support their blogging habits, which always cover the most pressing of issues, such as the need for period emojis and exploring why tickling is sexist. Their targets for the cash are white people riddled with guilt for their sin of being born with a pale complexion.


"I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news!"


Nobody much noticed, but we just had a new Cuban Missile Crisis. Remember the last one? The Soviets tried to place missiles in Cuba and we interdicted the Russian ships. For a moment it looked like WWIII but then Khrushchev backed down and the Soviet ships returned home. When he heard this, Robert K…


Former President Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the "Lolita Express," which reportedly offer


Joe Friday and Bill Gannon give a speech to some teenagers about their wishes to start a new country.


CHICAGO -- Amid ongoing protests in the city of Chicago, an Illinois state legislator who introduced a bill that would allow Rahm Emanuel to be removed from office by a recall vote says city reside...


It's reasonable to assume that new information in the New York Times report relates to information that will come out in the inspector general report.


No sign of clowns, arcade games or pie-eating contests here.


The Left loves to say how much they appreciate freedom of speech, so why are they banning right-wing speech online, and ignoring when leftists openly eschew the Frst Amendment?


Hollywood continues to openly erase history and shrug as they do so. This deletion activity links modern Hollywood to the dubious traditions of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and every totalitarian authority like them who knew that to control the future one must first move to rewrite history in their own image. The soon-to-be-released ‘First Man’, a …


If one needed more evidence of the steep decay in academia, Donald Trump's victory provided it.


Broward County, Florida is the absolute worst part of America.


The official said Pence merely wanted to "sit in the audience"


What a brilliant, strong-willed voice for conservatism in America. Kellyanne Conway walks into the MSNBC lions den and proceeds to decimate their collective attacks against her and Team Trump. Note how at the 7:50 mark how the MSNBC panelist makes clear how impressed he is by Conway’s ability to verbally counter-punch their decidedly twisted version …


Despite a rising citywide graduation rate, the number of students with the skills to succeed in college is alarmingly low — even at some schools that hand out the most diplomas, a Post analysis fou…


Senator Ted Cruz’s speech announcing his 2016 presidential campaign captured so many Republican paradoxes and idiocies, especially on immigration and health care.


Watch the bizarre moment in Mexico.


Because PPRM does not use digoxin, women who are dilated, but have not had the abortion, actually go into labor and deliver—potentially a live baby.