Facebook has restricted Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng's campaign from placing a video ad, deeming it too "shocking, disrespectful or sensational" because it features her American immigrant parents, who survived brutalities by the Khmer Rouge communists during the ...
Emphasizing diversity has been the pitfall, not the strength, of nations throughout history.
The Roman Empire worked as long as Iberians, Greeks, Jews, Gauls and myriad other African, Asian and European communities spoke Latin, cherished habeas corpus and saw being Roman as preferable to identify
Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
In late 2016, Canada’s Liberal government officially passed legislation amending its Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) to include perceived transgressions against transgender individuals. The bill passed with no recorded votes — meaning the publicly elected legislators passed it via secret ballot. The bill’s implications were largely lost in the news cycle amidst the heated US presidential election.
In a highly disturbing move, the far-left Socialist Workers’ Student Society has this week made open calls for violence against any who oppose their...
All four of the military services would get a boost under the Secretary of Defense's plan, but the biggest beneficiary during President Trump's tenure would be the service that is currently in the direst straits -- the Army.
Hungary said Friday it has completed a second anti-migrant fence on the Serbian border, a "smart" barrier with night cameras, heat and movement sensors and speakers blaring warnings in five languages.
On Monday morning, even rumors about the possibility of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retiring sent the network morning shows into panic mode. Reporters wrung their hands over the potential that President Trump could replace the high court’s “swing vote” and make it “solidly conservative for decades.”
There’s already plenty of bad punditry regarding the chances of Hillary Clinton -- who officially announced her candidacy on Sunday -- to become the 45th president. You can find Democrats boasting ...
Learn more about John Kasich and how you can support his campaign to lift America. Sign up - Volunteer - Donate - Get Updates. Together, we can fix America.
Insurers requested $2.87 billion in so-called "risk corridor" payments for 2014, but will only receive $362 million, or 12.6% due to a massive funding shortfall.
Trump's Big Beautiful Border Wall 'Virtually Impossible To Climb'
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • daca borderwall wall immigration trump maga immigrationreform illegals illegalaliens chain migration
Out of dozens of attempts made on Trump's Border Wall Prototypes, one guy made it to the top but he couldn't get down so they had to bring him down with a cherry picker.
Of course they do— they're allies in rebellion against God.
On Wednesday, the media went into overdrive, pumping out lie after lie about what President Donald Trump said during a roundtable discussion on California sanctuary state policies.
Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign and allied groups encourage and often pay for these kinds of so-called "protests." Note they are holding signs that say, ...
Federal judge John Primomo had …
President-elect Donald Trump has made his decision on who he will put up for Secretary of State, and it not Giuliani, Bolton, Romney, or ...
OPINION | Same press, same bias, eight years later.
British Prime Minister Theresa May addressed Republican lawmakers at their retreat in Philadelphia. Learn more: http://to.pbs.org/2j9oitK
This has got to be some sort of Truman show mass social experiment to determine how retarded America
A report claims Megyn Kelly told Fox News execs that Donald Trump's fans have sent her death threats.