
Donald Trump thinks it would be a shame if Cleveland burned down.
Now, he’s not saying it’s going to happen. Frankly, he would just hate if the Republican National Convention descended into violence and chaos. That he can guarantee you. But people are very upset, very angry, frankly, and if Trump doesn’t get his way – if he doesn’t receive the nomination -- there could be riots.


The Left was profoundly successful at seizing the institutions.


It is hard to say whether the “Green New Deal” announced last week is the Democratic Party’s suicide note for the 2020 election cycle, or an epic troll that will trap Republicans into a climate policy “compromise” that they don’t…


The provocative host was ousted from the network on Monday.


Do you still believe that climate alarmism is a grassroots movement? Do you still believe it is based on science, possibly exaggerated or misunderstood science? No, it is a centralized command &a…


Phil Knight, the creator of Nike, joins me Tuesday to discuss his life and his new memoir, released today, Shoe Dog:


Those who could recite a verse from the Quran were spared, others were tortured, says a rescued hostage of the Gulshan restaurant attack where at least two lawmen have been killed.


President-elect Biden is planning to sign several executive orders on day one of his presidency, incoming chief of staff Ron Klain announced in a statement.


Small but mighty Macedonia is the mouse that roared this year, declaring war on George Soros, 86, and his U.S. Government handmaidens, who, incredibly, have financed a left-wing agenda to divide the nation and bring a socialist-Muslim coalition to power. It was the kind of Obama Administration manip…


An aide for John Kasich said Monday the former 2016 GOP presidential candidate won’t be “bullied” by a Republican National Committee hint that failing to back Donald Trump will jeopardize another White House bid.


A veteran of Nixon’s staff and a cable-news analyst has been tapped to be deputy national security advisor.


Casa Girl, a website run by a woman from Brooklyn, New York, has sold out of its latest product: "Privilege Cards."


The NYT is pushing a story that Hillary Clinton put herself at risk investigating school segregation in Alabama.


Women's March co-president Tamika Mallory on Tuesday called for a boycott of Starbucks over the coffee company's partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a mainstream Jewish civil rights gro


Mike Antonucci’s Union Report appears weekly at LA School Report. The California Teachers Association has voted to slash its 2018-19 budget by more than $20 million because it expects to lose 23,000 members with an unfavorable U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME, a case that challenges the right of government unions to charge non-members for...


Hillary Clinton is known for her shameless hypocrisy, but her broadside Tuesday against Donald Trump was over the top — even for her. Start with the fact that, while her whole point was to slam Tru…


President-elect Donald Trump is so disgusted with Chris Christie’s handling of the Bridgegate scandal that he’s kicking the New Jersey Gov. out of his inner circle, The Post has learned. “Trump tho…


John Podesta, national chairman of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, may have opened himself up to a Russian “influence campaign” designed to temper his vie


Do you believe there’s an objective truth? Well, you’re a white supremacist then, at least according to a small number of black Pomona College students.


Lion murderer Walt Palmer is an asshole. But, he’s also an asshole who’s contributed more money to animal conservation in Africa than pretty much anyone else. In fact, trophy hunters like him are a large part of the reason we still have animals like lions at all.


Sen. Rand Paul wants to cut the federal government's credit card - literally and figuratively.