
We interviewed German journalist and model Anabel Schunke. She studied political science and history and is one of Germany’s most well-known criticasters of the country’s migration policy. This interview is part one of two. Anabel is active on Twitter and Facebook How did the admission of so many migrants change your country? Germany is noRead More


On Monday, CNN's Jim Acosta tweeted out a snarky response to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders' decision not to call on him for the third consecutive briefing. He was quickly shot down by her response.


The latest NBC-Wall Street Journal poll finds that today’s Democrat party scares the hell out of voters. With party leaders like Maxine Waters pushing violence and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing Socialism, Americans are turning away from the radical far left party. More than 56 percent of voters find the Democrat Party out of step with American …


Four black men face assault charges in connection with the beating of a white Alabama high school student who had posted pro-police comments online, police confirmed Wednesday.


There have been “multiple casualties” during an active shooter incident in Squirrel Hill near Shady and Wilkins avenues.


“Why would Hillary Clinton—who conceded the election to Donald Trump—want #Recount2016? You cannot be on-again, off-again about democracy.”


Trump spokesman denies reported meeting in Iceland.


Allegations of 'rape alleging' alleged.


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said progress “is very limited.”


EPA waters rule not about water--"it's about power"


I did little research and published some technical papers in the wind power. This experience has opened my eyes on the real nature of climate alarmism. Initially, I did not know how far the alarmi…


Join the fight to pass the American Health Care Act and save our country from Obamacare's failing policies. #PassTheBill


Chaos broke out at a protest in Berkeley, California on Sunday, as black-clad "anti-fascists" ran wild, converging on Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park near the University of California Berkeley's campus, ostensibly demonstrating against a "March Against Marxism" that never happened.


Of all people, you would think I’d be the first to notice that a left-wing cable news channel is no longer a left-wing cable news channel. The problem is that when you are in the thick of a thing, you


"There are plenty of things that upset me. I mean like Donald Trump. That upsets me but that doesn't mean I think he's -- actually, it does mean I think he should be eradicated, but I try hard to pretend I don't think that," author Salman Rushdie said on HBO's Overtime with host Bill Maher. The online-only show streams online directly after the live broadcast on Friday night.
The Supreme Leader of Iran issued a fatwa on Rushdie in 1989.


Bruce Ohr’s 302s, just released to the public, show Glenn Simpson pulling the strings.


Vice President Mike Pence’s planned trip to Israel has been indefinitely postponed, with Israeli officials citing “various scheduling difficulties,” The Times of Israel


A trifecta of resolutions introduced and passed by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington’s annual convention confirm a further politicized and progressive direction in which the denomination is headed.


Saying 'We won't make kids look at nearly naked women's breasts and descriptions of sex acts in Cosmopolitan magazine' is nowhere near regressive.


Donald Trump walked onto the gilded stage at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Super Tuesday with the air and confidence of a magician.
“I am a unifier, he said.
Moments earlier, Trump's famulus, Chris Christie, made a similar claim: He's bringing the country together.
The irony is deep. Christie's campaign slogan was telling it like it is. He lost largely because Donald Trump has overwhelmingly won the support of voters who want a candidate to tell it like it is. And both men took to the stage on the biggest night of the primary season and tried to trick voters into believing something that isn't true.
In this case, it's not just that what they're saying isn't true. It's aggressively, spectacularly false. Arguably, the single biggest story of the 2016 presidential contest has been how Trump's candidacy has divided the Republican party. Exit polls from several states that held contests earlier that day added to the constellation of datapoints: In Tennessee, 42 percent of respondents said they'd be dissatisfied if Trump were the nominee; in Georgia, it was 45 percent; in Arkansas, 50 percent; and in Virginia, 53 percent.


I complain about a lot, I'm sure. I argue a lot. Sometimes I'm contrarian just for sake of alleviating boredom. But the thing I try to do in an argument with willing-minded people is to deconstruct the argument. What is the concept behind whatever specific twe


Peter Andrastek, Senior Consultant for The Evangelical Catholic, clarifies how and why the ministry and the apostolate should work together instead of competing.


UCLA, like most American colleges, is among the most tolerant, welcoming environments in human history. Why is it teaching students to find bias where there is none?


Elections Shake Up Climate Policy Picture Guest essay by H. Sterling Burnett The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States has left reeling the environmental lobbyists and…


School officials in Marshall, Wisconsin told a six year-old boy he could not bring his Rush Limbaugh books to school. ...