There are plenty of good reasons to abandon the teachings of Karl Marx.

Emanuel wrong again on Chicago jobs

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Chicago’s unemployment rate is at its lowest point since the run-up to the Great Recession. And as of this spring, fewer city residents were jobless than at any other time in at least three decades. So there’s good news on the jobs front that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel could reasonably tout. Instead, he is now clinging to a variation of a boast we rated as False when we first heard him utter it in January. Back then, he declared Chicago in 2017 enjoyed the
MMA fighter Fallon Fox twice broke an opponent’s skull to win matches and now he is being praised by some in the LGBT community.
Move comes amid reports and speculation Trump administration may take military action against Tehran before Biden enters office
The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights is clapping back at a CBC reporter for trying to “instill fear” about law-abiding gun owners with a tweet criticizing the Alberta government’s opposition to Justin Trudeau’s gun bans.
Merkel: If We Close The Border, 'Europe Is Destroyed'
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says he'll sue if the Supreme Court rolls back Roe v. Wade.
U.S.—The massive alt-right movement welcomed their newest celebrity member this week as Alt-Right Chief of Gender Discrimination Joe Rogan said he would probably vote for Bernie Sanders for president.Sanders is the latest celebrity to join the alt-right. All it takes to join the alt-right is to talk to somebody in the alt-right, and then you're offic …

Election Aftermath: Either Or

Submitted 3 years ago by ActRight Community

The country continues to balance on a knife’s edge as we await the outcome of the presidential election (and a few down-ballot races, too). What the Democrat-media complex would have us believe is tha...
The Department of Homeland Security is doling out $455,000 to a Delaware construction company for a fence around President Biden’s “Summer White House.”
Former U.S. Congressman pleaded guilty to charges of election fraud and is sent to prison
Exactly a month ago, Uber and Lyft paused operations in Austin after voters defeated Proposition 1, an attempt to overturn mandatory fingerprint-based..
PORTLAND, OR—Immediately after losing a pickup basketball game at a park Friday, local liberal and unemployed man Rayne Wendell took to his iPhone in order to submit a piece to Slate.com in which he argues that the rules of basketball are ?fundamentally flawed and unjust.? Slate quickly published the piece. ?The three-point rule seems particularly ?
With the signing of his Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism in December, President Trump declared that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act bars discrimination against Jewish students at federally funded educational institutions. Trump also adopted the International Holocaust...
A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday ordered state officials to not certify the results of the 2020 election until ...
It appears that the current remarkable oil price rally is far from over, with rising demand and tightly controlled supply likely to send WTI and Brent higher still
Biscuits refer to snacks produced by baking a mixture of sugar, flour, water, butter, etc.
San Francisco Moves to Open Voting to Illegals
Trump’s Helsinki critics' aren’t exploding because of what he actually said, but what their ears heard him say through the filter of their own bias
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul got a little heated Tuesday on Fox News, saying that President Donald Trump should sue New York Sen. Chuck Schumer for defamation.
Virginia's gubernatorial race is the closest it has been as former Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin set for their final week of campaigning.
The California Supreme Court on Wednesday blocked an initiative to split the state into three amid questions about whether the measure violates the state constitution.