Party leaders look ahead to a battle with Trump this fall.
Moments after Thursday’s long-awaited release of the Department of Justice Inspector General report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation, a CNN Newsroom panel dismissed it as a “mild” report in which “[t]he other shoe didn’t drop” and will provide “[p]lenty of ammunition for both sides.” However, they fretted that the White House will “seize” on its findings and “take” a “victory lap” considering some of the findings.
In addition, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper disputed the letter.
Porter Wright's representation of Trump had made it a target for criticism – both externally and from inside the firm – in recent days, though it did not explain their departure from the case.
Corporate employees working for fast-food chain Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers will be sent to stores across the country beginning this week to help shore up staffing and recruit talent as businesses struggle to fill openings nationwide.
Social media users were quick to react after President Joe Biden arrived at the Detroit Auto Show hand-in-hand with Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Why conservatives should reject Trump.
Is she actually hoping for conflict in the streets? Sure sounds like it.
Hillary Clinton warned in 2008 she was prepared to "obliterate" Iran if it produced a nuclear weapon and would retaliate for any attack on Israel.
President Joe Biden on Friday became the first president to issue a proclamation for Indigenous Peoples' Day.Zeke Miller and Ellen Knickmeyer in their reporting for the Associated Press, called it "the most
Mike Pompeo has always been in the middle of my list of allies within the Trump administration. He wasn't John
They see their plan coming to fruition.
SEATTLE - Plastic straws, utensils and cocktail picks will be banned at all Seattle businesses that sell food or drinks under a new law that takes effect July 1.Seattle is believed to be the first major U.S. city to enact such a ban.RELATED | Group of elem
Peter Brimelow is suing the newspaper over a Jan. 15 article that offered a chronology of racist and inflammatory comments by Rep. Steve King.
A group of anti-Trump leftists viciously attacked numerous Trump supporters who had finished taking part in the MAGA rally in Washington, DC, on Saturday. In one of the most gruesome attacks, a man who tried to defend himself against an attack from the liberal mob was hit from behind while at least two women kicked and stomped on his head repeatedly. Several disturbing videos captured the assaults by protestors who chased down Trump supporters as they made their way home. Earlier that day, thousands of Trump supporters had peacefully gathered in D.C. for a rally supporting President Donald Trump. Violence
Vice President Kamala Harris's YouTube space series featured child actors in its first installment.
How can Biden say that COVID is over while actively exploiting it for power?
If you think defaulting on Treasurys would only hurt the Chinese, think again,
U.S. presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg told Reuters he is ready to spend ...
Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday assured viewers he was not leaving the network as rumors had suggested on social media sites over the past few days.
The disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan raises the question of whether they can support other countries that may need their help.
Watch the meltdown coming from Biden and the left...
The Venezuelan leader was often marginalized as a radical. But his brand of socialism achieved real economic gains
Critics say former US president does not represent Mandela's legacy and should not be a guest lecturer at annual event.
Americans are solidly rejecting the ruling class, be it the Northeast liberal 'establishment,' the mainstream media, or the Hollywood elite.