Gregg Jarrett's book, 'Witch Hunt,' does a fine job chronicling the corruption behind America's intel agencies' failed attempt to take down President Trump.
But a new U.S. intelligence report found that several researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology became ill in November 2019.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - With news coming out that the United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade, millions of women have accepted their fate and are lining up outside the SCOTUS building to receive their complimentary Handmaid's Tale uniforms.'Well, I guess it has come to this - I'm a Handmaid now,' said former pro-choice activi ...
Last month, Oregon Governor Kate Brown received considerable media attention when she put her signature on a new law that automatically registers every licensed driver in the Beaver State to vote. Here in California, newly-minted Secretary of State Alex Padilla is pushing for the state legislature to follow Oregon’s lead.
Breitbart has become increasingly frustrated with Trump’s perceived abdication of his nationalist agenda.
With polling numbers next to zero, Julián Castro took part Thursday in a Fox News town hall and the hard-left progressive didn’t do much to inject desperately needed life into his 2020 presidential aspirations. Turns out, the former secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama kept getting tripped up on the issue …
The race between President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who will formally accept the Democratic nomination later this week, has seemingly become more competitive, at least, according to a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS and released Sunday evening. The poll, which was conducted over cell phones and landlines between August 12-15,  shows […]
The election results in Arizona’s largest county have been certified and authenticated multiple times. This audit effort has been pure folly.
May 9 marks the Victory Day military holiday in Russia, a day U.K. and U.S. officials have suggested the Kremlin may use as an opportunity to officially declare war against Ukraine.
Accountability comes from having law enforcement under multiple umbrellas.
"We have been shamelessly threatened by the most criminal empire that ever existed and we have the obligation to prepare ourselves to guarantee peace," said Maduro.
Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday said that the Supreme Court should take more action to overturn prior “demonstrably erroneous decisions.”
President Trump is working hard to restore the rule of law and make immigration work for America. View a timeline of the Trump Administration's immigration accomplishments.
A soon to be published study coming from British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sorensen claims to have proved that China
The video shared by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine shows a crew using a ladder truck to reach the animal inside the damaged building. The feline is brought back to the ground tucked inside a rescuer’s jacket. Watch Video When the crew member returns to ground level in the clip, they unzip their jacket […] More
Sen. Rand Paul released "The Waste Report," identifying "egregious examples of wasteful spending throughout the U.S. government."
The House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties held a hearing on Wednesday to discuss “the Path to Restorative Justice.” Specifically, they were discussing H.R. 40 — a bill that proposes a commission on reparations. Ta-Nehisi Coates, Danny Glover, Sen. Cory Booker and various other activists also spoke at the …
With vote-by-mail making it even easier for the dead to vote, we could be on a downward slide into the darkest days of our republic.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officials released 10,700 unaccompanied migrant children into the U.S. this month.
“A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of white people made up an idea called race,” the book declares.
A GoFundMe to cover the rogue lawmakers' expenses and fines has raised nearly $30,000 as of Friday afternoon.
Three Seattle fishermen who were spared coronavirus during an outbreak that affected 85 percent of the people on their boat may provide the first direct evidence that antibodies can provide immunit…
A lawsuit has been filed against Major League Baseball over moving the 2021 All-Star game out of Atlanta back in April.
A federal judge has blocked special counsel John Durham from introducing evidence he contends will show former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann acted as part of a “joint venture” to taint former President Trump by linking him to Russia.
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