In a truly jaw-dropping new low for the American campus, a student group just shut down a talk by an American Civil Liberties Union leader on free speech. Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, the ACLU’s Virgi…
Estate tax is a tax on the right to transfer property when you die. The federal estate tax generally applies when a person’s assets exceed a certain amount — $11.4…
Activists oppose a huge source of reliable, climate-friendly electricity that could have prevented the rolling blackouts in the Golden State.
Kendall Tietz A pro-life organization near Salem, Oregon was attacked with two Molotov cocktails Sunday night following an unsuccessful break-in attempt,
A successful American strategy for dealing with Iran depends first on understanding Tehran's motivations ...
Former President Jimmy Carter has broken with the often contradictory statements of Democrats on Pre...
Wealthy New York City parents are spending upwards of $70,000 to hire private educators to oversee their children when while learning remotely. Fox News reported that the parents are already paying five-figure private school tuitions, and will now be paying even more to set up “pods” of four to 10 students in the same grade […]
Robert Redfield, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told Vanity Fair he received death threats after an appearance on CNN in March where he said he believed COVID-19 may have escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China.
Back in December, Twitter censored and suspended a Twitter account that was following the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell and providing detailed coverage. Apparently, liberals working behind closed doors at the tech giant weren't happy about this
The View hosts briefly talked with 2020 Democrat candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Friday’s show about his performance at last night’s debate. Co-host Joy Behar praised the Democrat while encouraging him to mock the right as ignorant to the virtues of “Democratic Socialism.”
Hundreds of demonstrators have taken to the streets in what some are calling riots in Kenosha. Rocks and bricks have been thrown, and at least one molotov cocktail being thrown
A delegation of Pennsylvania lawmakers toured the Arizona election audit and met with state senators and representatives to learn from their experience.
Zen has repeatedly warned the Vatican of increasing government persecution of religious minorities and anti-communist public figures but has historically received next to no response.
Democratic candidates’ plans for a so-called ‘public option’ could result in two-thirds of Americans with employer-sponsored coverage losing insurance.
Obama State Department considered Konstantin Kilimnik a ‘sensitive source,’ Senate report now identifies him as Russian intel officer.
Ouch, Kamala is going to feel those...
The Democratic Party of JFK, LBJ and even Bill “Welfare Reform” Clinton is long gone. The Democratic Party of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom has nothing positive to offer.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is compromised. He has to be. Deep State has something on him and the Attorney General is acting irrationally. How else to you explain his outrageous behavior to defend the criminal actions of Hillary Clinton and the Barack Obama regime? On Tuesday John Solomon writing for The Hill reported that the FBI ?
Only a fool would trust Facebook with his or her financial wellbeing. But maybe that’s the point: with so much personal data on some 2.4 billion monthly active users, who knows better than Facebook just how many suckers are born every minute?
Covington Catholic High School graduate Nicholas Sandmann sharply criticized the media during a speech at the Republican convention taped at the Lincoln Memorial.
Manchin is a gun-totin’ West Virginian once he crosses the border, but his constituents wouldn’t recognize him inside the Beltway.
Twitter has told Elon Musk that he violated a non-disclosure agreement after he shared about the company's bot review process.
Jeb Bush will formally launch his 2016 White House bid on Monday searching for momentum to break out of a crowded field for the Republican presidential nomination, but expecting a long battle
There’s a new day dawning at the Environmental Protection Agency. On October 16, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt announced that he is pulling the plug on the “sue and settle” strategy his predecessors used to impose new regulations and funnel large amounts of cash to their allies in the environmental movement. Under President Obama, the sue-and-settle gambit was raised to an art form. The administration would invite special-interest groups to sue the EPA over a regulation that it wanted to change but couldn’t, at least not expeditiously. Instead of fighting the lawsuit, the EPA would then almost immediately surrender, agreeing to settle ...
As the 2020 Democratic White House hopefuls race to outdo each other on the issue of immigration, some Democrats are calling for a more cautious approach.