Citing the $1 million bond required by the court, Stein's lawyer discontinued the request Saturday. Stein had raised nearly $7 million for recount efforts in three states.
An NBC attorney objected to the elections supervisor's camera ban, calling the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board meeting "illegal."
The former senator turned lobbyist worked to establish the high-level contacts that led the president-elect to call the president of Taiwan last week.
Belafonte and 2,000 others flocked to Riverside Church in New York City to celebrate Democracy Now’s 20th anniversary.
An English teacher tries to teach the 62 new gender pronouns to a class of foreign, non-English speaking students. Subscribe for more funny videos every week...
Top US intelligence officials believe that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin was personally involved in the secret Russian campaign to tilt the US presidential election toward Donald Trump, NBC News…
According to the normal rules of politics, Trump is a mess who gets nothing right. And yet he keeps succeeding.
Adler astronomer Lucianne Walkowicz is the Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology, not to mention a guest star (as herself) on National Geographic's Mars TV series. Cosmologist Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is with Department of Physics at the University of Washington, and fellow at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. And together they are, counter-intuitively, not so keen on the exploration or colonization of Mars.In fact, the very word "exploration" is inherently "problematic", they would have us believe, as detailed in a panel discussion published at Gizmodo last week. It was highlighted Sunday by Powerline, with the observation that "if these folks had been with NASA in the 1960s, we’d have never made it to the moon." That may seem like a snarky insult on the part of Powerline, but in fact it's precisely the point that the scientists made. Some here may remember past characterizations of science as ?
JNS.org ? In his annual Christmas message, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted the common bonds that Jews and Christians share,...
Kyle Tyrrell, 48, got into a fight with fishermen on Victoria’s Surf Coast a year ago after he claimed his wife was verbally abused. He said that the attack was racially and culturally motivated.
Obama Denies the Murder Wave on his Watch
As has been pointed out, Barack Obama, with one week to go in his administration decided to shut down the “wet foot, dry foot” policy for Cuban refugees. Under the policy, that has been in place for two decades, Cubans intercepted at sea are repatriated, but if they make it to land (which is almost always Florida), they are allowed to stay and get legal | Read More »
Just 494 out of the 162,000 refugees who applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015 have managed to get a job, according to government figures released Tuesday. Refugees are eligible to work while their
Presented without comment. Watch more at http://www.dailywire.com.
Convinced that Congress is unlikely to cure federal dysfunction, most state legislatures have triggered the Constitution’s most important reform mechanism: They have applied for what the Constitution calls “a convention for proposing amendments.” This year, Wyoming became the 29th state to apply for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment. The Utah House of…
The report by IMARC Group presents a comprehensive guide to establishing a wall putty manufacturing plant The report offers in depth market analysis and information on unit operations raw materials utility and infrastructure requirements technology and machinery requirements manpower requirements ...
BREAKING—- Sheriff David Clarke announced today on the Vicki McKenna show that he is joining the Trump administration. Confirmed in ...
States where rural communities are embracing Second Amendment protection measures include New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, raising the hackles of Democrats who champion sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants but draw the line when it comes to firearms owners.
The $44.3 billion measure pays for a broad array of federal security programs, including aviation security, border and immigration enforceme...
The anthropology course will explore ‘coming to terms with white identity.’
A California housing bill targeting upscale communities would eliminate single-family home zoning across most of the state, transferring the authority to
The meteorologist who created the Weather Channel has completely embraced his persona as a climate change “denier” and refuses to back down from criticizing proponents of man-caused global warming. “I’m just a dumb old skeptic — a denier as they call me — who ought to be jailed or put to death,” John Coleman said. “I understand how they feel. But you know something? I know I’m right. So I don’t care.”
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is seeking testimony from public relations executives who worked on a lobbying campaign organized by Paul Manafort, sources say.