1791L Official Store: https://www.dietofworms.us/ Narrated by Christian O'Brien https://twitter.com/realchristianob Video Edited by Lex Villena https://twitt...
The worst mass shooting in American history takes place in Vegas, controversy breaks out over Puerto Rico, and more NFL fallout.
I hope a lot of people are praying for Bruce Jenner. It seems most of Hollywood and the White House are applauding him decided that he is now a she. Bruce Jenner certainly has issues, but society itself has gotten mentally sick when it confuses compassion with celebration. Look, I realize this is going to piss off those of you who already live in a | Read More »
Charleston church shooting: Without gun control, racism will keep killing black people | Gary Younge
America does not have a monopoly on racism. But what makes its racism so lethal is the ease with which people can acquire guns
Senator Rand Paul is interviewed a day after the first Republican debate in South Carolina where he focused on Donald Trump's questionable past. Paul visited...
I did NOT expect the Republicans to actually pull themselves up by their bootstraps out of their abject incompetence and actually pass a tax bill! Pretty remarkable. Unfortunately our friends on th…
"A modest increase in enforcement would cause significant attrition in the illegal population," says Jessica Vaughan.
Rand Paul is trying to fire up the base ahead of the next debt limit debate, even with the likelihood of a "clean" increase.
Bernie Sanders sits down with Vox to explain his policies of his campaign for presidency of the United States. He proposes a $15 billion minimum wage and fre...
New leadership, progressive values, and record of getting results that we need to address these challenges and move our nation forward.
After dozens of warning signs and alerts from concerned citizens went unnoticed, a shooter walked into a South Florida high school and murdered 17 people. In the wake of the tragic mass shooting, guns and "gun free zones" have become hot-button issues.
OPINION | "U.S. Steel is trying to push the envelope of existing trade law to cover this very modern form of theft."
Reactions from conservatives and Christians to Kanye West's new leaf have ranged from overblown to overly cynical. I understand both.
Mark Penn, who served as a pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and chief strategist for Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign, says that the couple's open marriage was possibly 'not by choice'.
Reports are coming in that North Korea has reaffirmed their commitment to denuclearization after a meeting in China. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has visited China at the invitation of President…
A 10-year-old girl was attacked by three men after she left school and was on her way home. The child was raped at a cemetery in Östervåla, Sweden’s Aftonbladet reports. It was Thursday, around 3 pm, that the terrible incident occurred. According to the police three perpetrators were involved. At least one of them rapedRead More
A slew of FBI and DOJ officials could face a reckoning when Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Thursday releases a long-awaited report detailing his review of the Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 presidential race.
At a discussion sponsored by The Washington Institute for Near East Policy on Thursday evening, Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Kingdom’s former intelligence chief, voiced his skepticism about the nuclear deal between the United States and its Western allies and Iran before suggesting that his country may very well have to counter future Iranian hostilities with nuclear weapons.
In the early morning hours Monday, a man in Harris County, Texas shot and killed a criminal who was attempting to steal his truck from his home.
At around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, the homeowner heard something in his driveway and went outside with his hunting rifle to see what it was. He found a man inside his truck and told him to get out. The homeowner told police he saw something in the thief's hand and, fearing for his life, fired a shot at the criminal, who no doubt wished he was attempting grand theft auto in a blue state at that very moment.
LGBT groups condemn protesters who describe trans movement as 'anti-lesbianism'
Clinton gets Republicans to agree that Donald Trump "does not represent me" or "my values as an American."
Financial crimes investigations grow over time as more transactions are discovered and funds traced.
by WorldTribune Staff, December 14, 2020 “Every machine, every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now,” attorney Sidney Powell said on Sunday. President Donald Trump’s ex…
Gabbard highlighted the elitist Democrats’ reaction when it comes to the role parents have in their child’s education during an interview