The occasional knee-jerk reaction aside, U.S. equities continue to brush off trade-war fears. That isn’t the case for Chinese, emerging market and European stock markets, says UBS, in a chart that breaks down the damage.
Editor’s Note: Social media is cracking down on Conservative content. To ensure you receive conservative and faith-based news items – click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter. While most Americans were commemorating the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks, a group of boys and girls at Glen Meadow Middle School were learning ?
James Woods has been suspended from Twitter after posting a photo of CNN contributor Andrew Gillum unconscious and naked in a South Beach hotel room.
President Donald Trump on Tuesday called the latest Democratic effort to impeach him the "continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of
Allie Stuckey, founder of the Conservative Millennial blog and a regular on CR-TV, discusses the #MeToo movement and the flaws of its demands. Her remarks we...
RUSH: Between inciting violence and launching racist attacks, we are witnessing an attempt to bully the American population into surrender.
CBS’s fictional salute to Hillary Clinton, Madam Secretary, has finally achieved its ultimate dream. After four seasons, the new season premiere features a lofty appearance from the former Secretary of State and failed two-time presidential nominee herself. Even better, she advises our lead on how to handle white nationalist terrorists.
While Democrats constantly bemoan alleged mistreatment of women by Republicans, they often fail to live up to their own standards.

Alt-Left Delete

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The term “alt-right,” which nobody had heard of until the unexpected emergence and rise of Donald Trump in the US...
Unlike the left, for us politics isn't personal. It's a part of life, not life itself. Just another game in a long season.
A group of students at American University protested on campus this week to demand the sacking of a member of the school's board of trustees because the trustee, Gary Cohn, met with President-elect Do
A convicted Texas Democrat won his race for re-election on Tuesday to state House District 27 from behind bars.
A Democratic volunteer was reportedly recorded attempting to help a voter fix their rejected absentee ballot after Election Day, in violation of the law.
The F-35 program and cost is out of control, President-elect Donald Trump wrote on TwitterMonday morning, criticizing the behind schedule and over budget fighter jet program by Lockheed Martin.
Guest essay by Alberto Zaragoza Comendador When discussing climate change, one often hears this or that bad thing will happen ‘if we do nothing’. Implicit in this assertion is the notion that if we…

Life Through the Eyes of SJW's

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

A sketch from the TV-show "Mad TV". Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/h4j84sd Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSandreGuy
    The mainstream media has faced increasing scrutiny over the last year for its conduct, from both sides of the fence. Liberals allege that too much air time was given to President-elect Donald Trump, implying they legitimized a candidate who never should have taken off, let alone won the presidential election. Conservatives and libertarians suggest the media is still, as they long have been, biased against the right. Despite the difference in allegations, both sides of the spectrum seem to agree there is a credibility issue with the mainstream media. For all the allegations of pushing biased stories or overtly fake news, they have now topped themselves in a recent segment of “New Day.” Commentator and Former Central Intelligence Agency counterterrorism Phil Mudd stated Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange is “pedophile who lives in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.” Mudd made the allegations without any evidence to back up the claim. The mainstream media has been pushing the official government narrative against Wikileaks for months, claiming that the pro-transparency organization is a Russian?
Russia has no dirt on Donald Trump, according to the president-elect, who in a Friday tweet storm fingered US intelligence agencies for “probably” releasing a scandalous, unverified dossier on him …

Trump Inaugural Live Stream

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Official live stream of the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee.
Women are sharing on Twitter their stories about their unplanned pregnancies and decision to choose life, using the hashtag #myunintendedjoy.
'People with congenital disabilities are facing extinction. If we were animals, perhaps we might qualify for protection as an endangered species. But we are only human beings with disabilities, so we do not.'
Milo Yiannopoulos has resigned from Breitbart on his own accord to start his own media venture. A reporter asked Milo about his thoughts on Breitbart and Ste...

Judging Judge Gorsuch

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

A guide to the Gorsuch nomination uproar: If you want the federal government to exercise greater and greater power over daily life in America, with minimum backtalk from us, the people, you deplore the prospective elevation of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. If, by contrast, you regard the e…
Donald Trump has this weekend taken his twelfth golfing holiday since his presidential inauguration just over nine weeks ago. Departing the White House for the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia, it is unclear whether he plans to do anything other than tee off.  
Election irregularities in the 2020 presidential election continue to be uncovered through independent analysis. An expert team led by physicist and Mensa John Droz, Jr., has been relentlessly examini...