
Approval ranking for all 50 governors in America. Chris Christie is America's least popular governor.


Climate alarmists use faulty science and bald assertions to demand end to fossil fuels Guest opinion by Paul Driessen All too many alarmist climate scientists have received millions in taxpayer gra…


The Democrat-controlled California legislature held its first hearing Wednesday on the state adopting a single-payer health care system.


“Rand Paul: Susan Rice abused the system to spy on Trump, subpoena her & make her testify under oath https://t.co/TduHsjvkjX”


Three scientists (Scarlett Johansson, Kyle Mooney, Mikey Day) receive a shock when they debut their invention, a machine that translates for pets. Get more S...


Harvard University will hold a graduation ceremony exclusively for its black student population on 23 May. More than 170 students and 530 guests have signed up to attend the Black Commencement event, the first university wide ceremony for black students. The organisers say that the event is a celebration


The archbishop of Kansas City is ending his archdiocese’s association with the Girl Scouts, citing the organization’s growing secularization.


The Growing Car Leasing Market in KSA: Opportunities and Challenges
Submitted 1 year ago by rohit kumar • car leasing market car leasing market in ksa
The car leasing market in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is experiencing significant growth and transformation. With various market drivers and evolving customer preferences, the sector is poised for expansion. In this blog, we will explore the current state of the car leasing market in KSA, its potential growth trajectory, and the challenges faced by industry players.


We want to make an important clarification on claims that were made by Rod Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Seth Rich's family, and who is being paid for a third party.


With Johnson's help, Thomas cast a ballot for her daughter at a Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services building during early voting for the May 24, 2016, primary runoff, according to Dane Schiller, a spokesman for the district attorney's office. Stanart's announcement comes amid allegations of rampant voter fraud, which have been used by Republican lawmakers across the country to ramp up controversial Voter ID laws. President Donald Trump has claimed that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, and this month has put together a commission to help study how many non-citizens illegally cast ballots. In Texas, voter fraud was one of the central arguments behind the state's controversial 2011 Voter ID law, one of the strictest in the nation, requiring voters to present one of seven types of photo identification before being allowed to cast a ballot in person. Critics say the measure has no effect on mail-in ballots and accuse Republican lawmakers of trying to disenfranchise minority voters.


The former Democratic nominee also insists she’s not planning to run again.


Alec Baldwin on Friday defended comedian Kathy Griffin for the photograph she posed for with a severed head resembling President Trump.


But total arrests are still below 2014 levels under President Obama


LiveLeak.com - Maxine Waters: ‘Obama Has Put In Place’ Secret Database With ‘Everything On Everyone’
'The President has put in place an
organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before
in life,' Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
'That's going to b


The politics of Time Magazine are pretty much like all other liberal media outlets. All things Democrat are good, all things Republican are bad. Then they wonder why half of the country completely tunes them out. Now they're paying a heavy price. Time just laid off hundreds of people. Bloomberg...


The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s efforts to shape the FBI’s investigation into 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the committee’s chairman announced Friday.


It's not a problem that will be fixed in a weekend.


The president's push for people to eat rabbit amid growing food shortages is labelled a "bad joke".


Hillary is "the one." She is our gift from God. Mana from Heaven. The gift that keeps on giving. Conservatives should get down on their knees and thank God for Hillary.


This Constitution Day, Americans can regain self-governance through an overlooked provision of our nation’s supreme law.


Leaks and allegations show intelligence agencies have been politicized, writes Roger Stone, a longtime political consultant and adviser to President Trump.