President-elect Donald Trump taps Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn as the National Economic Council director.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell flatly rejected the need to approve legislation protecting the special counsel’s probe into the 2016 election, saying Wednesday there’s no evidence the investigation needs protection.
When it comes to spending someone else's cash, the Clinton and Bush families know how to do it best.
I’m getting a bit tired of reading about the “US-backed alliance of Syrian militias” and their advance against Isis. The ‘alliance’ is largely Kurdish – which is why, I suppose, the Americans talked about northern Syria when they announced the visit of General Joseph Votel, the head of US Central Command, to the little Kurdish enclave. 
The essence of American politics is “the manipulation of populism by elitism.” Don’t expect this to change in the wake of the navel-gazing mainstream’s historic whiff on the election–despite the occasional mea culpa and promise to overhaul its approach. Mostly because 90 percent of the MSM is owned and operated by six conglomerates that have little interest in changing the system that profits them, or in changing the editorial narratives that support the system.
An NHS report revealed badly-behaving toddlers are being labelled mentally unwell - 1 in 18 are supposedly suffering from a psychological condition
Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year's Resolutions for you, some of which include Black Lives Matter, Beyoncé, Kanye West, and more! Update: This vi...
Man Charged with Murder of UPS Driver: 'I Shot and Killed Donald Trump Purposely, Intentionally and Very Proudly'
A Canadian study found that conservative churches are still growing, while less orthodox congregations dwindle away.
Movie critic Frank Scheck of The Hollywood Reporter offered a rave review of President Obama's farewell address on Tuesday night, hailing it in the headline as "One Last Reminder of What Presidential Looks Like." Donald Trump is all "schoolyard taunts" for white people in "silly hats," while Obama is so terrific that "Watching him walk off the stage made you feel like a child desperately holding onto a father’s pants [sic] legs to try to prevent him from leaving the house."
Ailan Evans  President Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to drop as voters grow increasingly dissatisfied with his handling of key issues, according
The ACP says women should be able to get abortions, travel to get abortions, and take abortion drugs 'without undue government interference.'
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.
Judge Neil Gorsuch of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals may be the leading candidate for President Donald Trump's first appointment to the Supreme Court. Jan Crawford of CBS News, a veteran co
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) said Tuesday he believed the Trump administration will stand up to the regime in Iran and praised the new president for his willingness to use terms shunned by his predecessor when describing the threat posed by terrorists.
An amazing new time-lapse video shows thousands upon thousands of pro-life people marching for life through the streets of Washington D.C. It's always diffic
The president moved up his announcement of a nominee to replace Justice Antonin Scalia by two days, just as his immigration order is coming in for criticism from social conservatives.

What is the Border Adjustment Plan?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The House Republicans' plan to upend how the U.S. collects corporate taxes
If pro is the opposite of con, so goes a popular political jab, then Congress is the opposite of progress. Just 19 percent of Americans approve of the job our federal legislative branch is doing, according to a Gallup poll taken last month. …
'The President of the United States is shutting down the part of the First Amendment'
Pro-lifers can draw inspiration from the civil rights heroes who made sure that the only thing needed to grant us human rights is our humanity.
In a recent local Mississippi race, a judge found such massive fraud with absentee ballots that he ruled for a do-over of the entire election, and he had a woman, who acted as a notary for absentee ballots, arrested for fraud. A Mississippi judge ruled in favor of a new election following overwh ...
Gavin Newsom and other Democrats beclown themselves in their push back on the Recall.
President Trump removed chief strategist Stephen Bannon from his National Security Council on Wednesday. Bloomberg reported: President Donald Trump reorganized ...