
The principle that every person in the United States is entitled by right to due process of law, is so firmly embedded in the legal and cultural fabric of our society, that it hardly bears reminding. Yet, if you happen to be a male student at any college or university that receives federal funds, and an allegation of sexual misconduct has been leveled against you, you quickly realize that due process is a luxury you no longer enjoy.


Donald Trump picks New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to lead the transition team if the billionaire businessman wins the presidential election.


“Did you see that horrible story about the abused dog?” My better half poses that question (or one like it) at least once a week. My response is always, “no, I didn’t and please don’t tell me about it!” Then she tells me about it. My job requires following the news, but if pets, kids, …


In a joint statement published Wednesday, dozens of leaders of nonprofits who are banning together for a potential defamation lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) warned that those who rely on and repeat the "misrepresentations" of the left-wing organization are "complicit" in i


A Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious.


Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Steve Green discuss the West Point communist.


Campaign co-chair describes ideas being prepared for fall campaign. Among them: getting government out of student lending, requiring colleges to share in risk of loans, discouraging borrowing by liberal arts majors and moving OCR to Justice Department.


Students for Justice in Palestine and Muslim Students Union block and pound on doors, Jewish students led to safety by police


When the nation’s attention is captured by an episode of blatant racial hatred or primitive bigotry and that episode turns out to be a hoax—an...


Hillary Clinton and her team ignored clear guidance from the State Department that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers, a department audit has found. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff "the...


Network news have abruptly stopped covering the Spring Fire in Colorado, which previously had been receiving consistent airtime since late June. The dearth of new reporting is not due to the story having flamed out; on Monday morning the fire was declared the largest in the state, and it remains only five percent contained. Interestingly, coverage across ABC, CBS, and NBC ceased completely once it was revealed that the man responsible for starting the wildfire was an illegal immigrant.


The total number of apprehensions on the southwest border fell to 34,114 in June compared to 40,338 the month before. But border crossings often dip in the summer.


"Good for you! You lashed out — NOT at the responsible party, of course — and expressed your rage ... and improved nothing."


At issue is a meeting that took place in April 2017 with four Associated Press reporters.


As with much media coverage of the Trump administration, The New York Times' extremely negative breastfeeding story elided crucial facts.


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During President Trump’s joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday, CNN’s hostile White House Correspondent Jim Acosta demanded to ask a question. As Trump refused and dismissed CNN as “fake news,” he turned to John Roberts of Fox News, remarking, “Let’s go to a real network.” A dejected Acosta muttered in response: “Well, we’re a real network too, sir.”


DC: Former presidential nominee Mitt Romney recently hosted a donor meeting for former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz who has been reportedly considering a run for president as a Democrat in 2020. Politico’s Ben Schrekinger said the event did not go well and that many left uninspired by the potential nominee. “Will there be some segment...


Bavaria Interior Minister said that Police in the German state of Bavaria have launched a campaign to recruit migrants to improve the performance of local law enforcement agencies.


The Orlando massacre reveals one of the most profound differences between Islam and Christianity: Christianity wants homosexuals helped ... Islam wants them dead.


It’s been just over one month since “net neutrality” regulations officially ended, flinging civilization back into the Paleolithic hellscape of 2015.


To Team Clinton, they’re ‘everything wrong with our politics.’ To conservatives, they’re heroes—and maybe the best positioned to dig up dirt that could sink her.


A waiter in Texas named “Khalil” was called a terrorist by a customer who left him no tip, prompting the restaurant to ban the customer and allowing the waiter to raise about $1,000 in sympathy tips from Facebook. But Khalil Cavil had made the whole thing up.


At least 380 or 580 individuals convicted of terrorism have this in common.


Conservative House lawmakers introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, saying he’s led the Justice Department in “hiding” information from Congress on investigations into Russian election meddling and Hillary Clinton’s secret emails.