Don Lemon savaged the rapper's intelligence for daring to disturb his channel's unrelenting Trump Derangement programming.
Perhaps given the New York Times history of dissembling in this regard he should take his eyes off the cabinet table and wander down to whatever part of the White House holds the interns.
Just when it seemed that disrespect for the American flag couldn’t sink any lower, someone found a way…and in the process reinterpreted American history at the expense of a genuine American hero. I had heard briefly that a movie about Neil Armstrong, First Man, had been made and had premiered at the Venice Film Festival. I was excited to hear that. I am a huge space buff, especially when it comes to NASA’s Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. I have read many books on the subject and even have the official DVD’s covering each Apollo mission. I have been collecting astronaut autographs for years. My collection even includes a very rare Neil Armstrong autograph. Until his death, Armstrong’s autograph was the most valuable of any living person. To put it into historical perspective, the second most prized autograph amongst living persons was that of President Barack Obama. Setting aside politics, it can’t be denied that both men are key historical figures. The first human to set foot on the surface of another world and the first African-American President. I have a co-worker who also collects astronaut autographs and I mentioned First Man to them. Their immediate response was a frown. I found this odd, especially given that Armstrong was not a controversial figure. My friend then proceeded to tell me that the film omits Armstrong planting the American flag on the moon. Apparently the filmmaker wanted to focus on the first Moon landing as a human/universal achievement as opposed to an American achievement. This blew my mind. The director of First Man, Damien Chazelle explained his decision: “The flag being physically planted into the surface is one of several moments of the Apollo 11 lunar EVA that I chose not to focus upon.” His rationale was he would rather focus on Armstrong’s personal journey and the emotions he experienced as he made history. That is all well and good, but the whole point of the endeavor was a nationalistic one. The director’s choice to ignore the act of planting an American flag on the Moon would be akin to doing a biographical film about New England Patriot’s quarterback Tom Brady without mentioning the team he has led to 5 Super Bowl championships. Each player is an individual, but it’s a team sport. Winning the Super Bowl is the pinnacle of any NFL player’s career and no two guys are likely to share the same story but it would be nonsensical to do a biopic of Brady and depict him wearing some sort of generic uniform and helmet to obscure the team he plays for in an effort to focus solely on Brady’s perspective. The American flag omission in First Man is infinitely more absurd than failure to mention the Patriots in a hypothetical Brady biopic. Football teams only have roughly 50 players and 15 coaches. Those are the individuals who could and would have a direct influence on winning a championship. However, an NFL franchise employs many persons in all kinds of roles aside from players and coaches. Without them, it wouldn’t be possible for the players and coaches to focus on winning. In reality it takes a lot of people to win a Super Bowl. Despite that, most of the attention is directed at the quarterback. They are typically the face of the entire effort and in all fairness it’s typically the ability and decision-making of the quarterback that is the difference between winning and losing, but they don’t exist in a bubble. If Tom Brady were surrounded by mediocrity and his team had a terrible defense, he couldn’t win it all by himself. Even when he does win he certainly doesn’t do it by himself. The operation of a football team is nothing in comparison to NASA’s Apollo program. There were over 400,000 jobs associated with America’s Moon program. Landing on the Moon was and is arguably humankind’s greatest technological achievement. It was a massive undertaking and involved the best and brightest minds of the day constantly finding answers to things previously thought impossible. In less than 10 years the United States went from barely being able to launch a rocket to sending men to the Moon and back safely. What lit the fire? I’m unaware of any undertaking of such scale and scope that was accomplished so swiftly. Surely the motivation had to be massive. It was a concept that is politically incorrect these days, but it had and has a name: American Pride. In a very literal sense, putting men on the Moon was the culmination of a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. President John F. Kennedy got the ball rolling in his ‘We Choose to go the the Moon ‘speech at Rice University on September 12, 1962: “There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.” Kennedy inspired the American people that day. The words ‘our’ and ‘we’ did not refer to humanity in general, but America specifically. Wouldn’t it be nice if the American people could focus on what we can do again? Isn’t that the essence of the American spirit: competition? We weren’t going to let the Soviets beat us ?

Feminist Narcissism

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The effort to destroy Brett Kavanaugh looks like a revenge attack on a civilization deemed too male.

This is why we call them fake news

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton angrily reacted to a protester shouting “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at a campaign ...
Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection with the series of suspected explosive packages mailed to prominent Democrats this week.
Update: Kanye West has a message for his millions of fans that includes distancing himself from politics and Candace Owens. In a series of tweets, West stated, "I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I
An Ohio bill that would ban abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected is headed to the governor's desk.
Giuliani has removed himself from consideration for any position in the new administration, the Trump transition team announced Friday.
In the early evening following the midterm elections, Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s wife was home alone when she suddenly became startled by a loud thumping at her door. The thumping came from a group of Antifa radicals, whose desire it was to strike terror into the hearts of Mr. Carlson’s family.
Trump transition official compares climate change theory to flat earth theory, and thinks both might be wrong.
They're shrugging off fears of driving more white voters to Donald Trump.
General Motors announced Monday that it would shutter as many as five auto manufacturing plants in North America — four in the United States — and cut thousands of jobs across the company.
The Montana town of Whitefish has become an unlikely flashpoint in the rise of the so-called "alt-right," due to Richard Spencer's residence there.
On Tuesday, a Dallas, Texas, woman who was sentenced to a week in jail and a $7,000 fine for opening her salon in defiance of state orders delivered a poignant answer when the judge said he’d rescind the jail sentence if she admitted she was wrong. After Dallas Judge Eric Moye told Salon À la Mode […]
Socialist New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s policies have driven up homelessness in his city to record levels, according to the City-Journal, which reports that in early December, the number of homeless people had risen to roughly 61,000, up from roughly 53,600 when de Blasio was inaugurated in January 2014. The City-Journal noted that the current number excludes street people, who number in the thousands.
Sessions: Religious Liberty Will Be A High Priority Of Mine (January 10, 2017)
On Monday while President Obama was taking part in a global nuclear security summit in South Korea, he was caught on tape asking for Russian President Dmitry...
According to a new poll conducted by GovExec.com and the independent Government Business Council, 28 percent of federal workers say they are or at least might be considering leaving the federal service because of Donald Trump's election. This is actually up from 25 percent who said the same in February when asked about the possibility that Trump might be elected. Fourteen percent said that yes, they are considering it, and the same share said maybe they are. Of this combined 28 percent, just over half said they are eligible for retirement and [might] retire earlier than planned, meaning they might be serious about this.
Read '1984.' Read 'Brave New World.' But don’t just beware the machinations of the totalitarian state—beware the disenchantment of our age.

Make Haste — Deliberately

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Trump should note that his executive orders on immigrations & other matters are a reaction to past excess and extremism.
A fundraising campaign for truckers in the Freedom Convoy 2022 has been Frozen by GoFundMe after it raised ...
It’s hard to tell what is most preposterous about President Joe Biden’s new mandate that two-thirds of all new cars sold in 2032 must be electric vehicles. The competition is tough.