
A Black Lives Matter organizer who implored Allah to give her the “strength” to not “kill these men and white folks” and that “white skin is sub-humxn” received an award…


MSNBC host and hostesses say a lot of nutty things, but this one goes right ot the top of the lengthy list.
On Saturday, MSNBC hostess Joy Reid all but said the words: Rep. Steve Steve Scalise deserved to be shot.


PART 2 - https://youtu.be/RgQdeXdgF8U SUPPORT ME! - http://420cops.com - cool shirts and stuff :) will be adding much more. soon. ENFORCE THE LAW WITHOUT BEI...


Something that they need to hear...


Are There Armed Soldiers At Your Gate?


Here is the latest Bill Whittle commentary on Progressive Lies. As usual, Bill hits it out of the park. Progressivism: ...


President Obama on Thursday addressed the horrific massacre of nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina church--and then boarded Air Force One to California for a series of high-dollar fundraisers to benefit the Democrat party.


Muslim immigrants beat a 13 year-old Jewish boy wearing a kippah in Paris. The immigrants shouted, “Beat that dirty Jew!” ...


The White House petition to extradite the dentist who shot and killed Cecil the lion has already rocketed past the threshold required for the White House to


Anti-discrimination laws are stupid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzXXvUjg8Fo I've yet to see a natural monopoly exist, and many might say that's because ...


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the Democratic Party presidential debate on Saturday evening in Iowa that she would not use the phrase "radical Islam" to describe the enemy responsible for attacking the United States and the west in general. Her opponents agreed.


Cruz Announces Large Influx of Clergy Endorsements HOUSTON, Texas ? Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced additions to his Faith Leadership Team which include more than 200 faith leaders from around the nation. This follows the campaign?s announcement yesterday of it?s National Prayer Team, led by Cruz Crew volunteers, dedicated to a focused season of prayer on behalf of the nation, Cruz, ?


Beginning just days after 9/11, media regularly worried about Bush chilling speech. Why are they so eerily quiet about Obama's attacks on free expression?


The liberal media and Republican Party elites erupted this week after Donald Trump announced his plan to ban Muslim immigrants ...


With the US-led NATO forces hastily exiting Afghanistan, a windfall awaits the Taliban that includes an army of well-trained soldiers equipped with latest weapons and gadgets, well-planned military bases but most importantly, something the Taliban never dreamt of—an air force, reports senior journalist Sanjib Kr Baruah.


The National Security Advisor manages the daily creation and implementation of foreign policy and acts as a foreign policy advisor. Bolton will serve in an advisory role to the secretary of state and…


Parents of a Texas high school student who was reported missing in late January had abused their daughter after she refused an arranged marriage, leading her to run away from home until she was found in mid-March, police said.


A potential robbery victim in Philadelphia shot his attacker with the suspect's own gun during the encounter Wednesday.


A self confessed drug addict, alcoholic, left winger has bared all to a Norwegian documentary crew about his rape at the hands of a Somalian migrant, and his despair at seeing the man deported


The Trump administration is announcing new regulations today to partially defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses of tens of millions of tax dol


This article attempts to discuss the changes Donald Trump's platform would make in university life.