
?I don’t spend my weekends at $1,000 cocktail parties with powerful people. I spend my weekends with my family going shooting on our farm and doing things that everyday, ordinary Americans do…


After heads rolled over a Kanye-Western themed frat party at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), several adjustments to the UCLA campus climate have been made, including suspension of the social groups that hosted the party for alleged "racist undertones" of their event.


YouTube is manipulating Joe Biden’s video counts to make it look as if people are actually watching his videos. When they are not! Last week Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have 3% of the views online as President Donald Trump at his campaign events! This is an…


Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House says
Kristian Saucier, the former U.S. Navy sailor who served one year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear submarine, has been pardoned, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday.


After Donald Trump’s win in South Carolina on Saturday, there seemed to be a general consensus about where the Republican race stood, one we pretty much agreed with. Trump, according to betting mar…

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Thomas Catenacci Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich condemned the National Archives Records Association’s (NARA) decision to label documents with a


Male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of the foundation’s latest IRS tax


Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is vetting Carly Fiorina as a potential running mate, THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned.
According to a spokeswoman for Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO and one-time presidential candidate is being vetted by Cruz's campaign.
Normal stuff, said Sarah Isgur Flores, who served as deputy campaign manager during Fiorina's bid, when asked about the process. She added that Fiorina has met with members of the Cruz campaign and has given them financial disclosures and other documentation. Flores added that no offers have been made.
On ABC's This Week Sunday, reporter Jon Karl floated the idea that Cruz could announce a running mate before next week's critical Indiana primary and suggested Fiorina would be the one person to fill that role.


Police have shot and "apparently" killed a Somali man involved in an armed hostage taking situation at a Walmart in Amarillo, Texas, a town known for taking in a flood of refugees. https://twitter


Guest post by Joe Hoft The DNC, FBI and the DOJ all sought dirt on Presidential candidate and then President Donald J. Trump. They were willing to work with UK MI6 Agent Christopher Steele who was also working with Russians at the same time. This is the real Russia Collusion story. Former MI6 agent Christopher ?


Robert Mueller Two of Robert Mueller’s prosecutors quit the office of special counsel, the Justice Department confirmed this week. Prosecutors Ryan Dickey and Brian Richardson, two of the more junior lawyers quit Mueller’s team. Peter Carr, a spox for the special counsel said that neither Dickey nor Richardson left the office because of political allegations, …


The more I read about the corruption in the Veterans Affairs system the more I am convinced that the whole thing should be scrapped. I mean how many scandals are we supposed to endure? Every 3...


Rep. Maxine Waters declared war on Republicans during a speech to a fired up Democrat mob in June. Waters told her supporters to verbally assault and harass Republicans where ever you find them. Maxine Waters: “If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are ?


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In a situation with no good answers, let's attempt to work toward freeing the other political prisoners held captive by Saudi Arabia.


In yet another stunning display of media bias, NBC now acknowledges that it had information that undermined the credibility of some of the women who accused the


Rather than ask themselves why they lost, Democrats just want to change the rules of the game.


At least 398 colleges have food pantries on campus to serve students. The hunger problem is beyond a few sad stories.


Each year, local governments spend nearly $100 billion to move headquarters and factories between states. It’s a wasteful exercise that requires a national solution.


Michael Avenatti was arrested for felony domestic violence against a woman.


President-elect Donald Trump plans to unveil his choice to fill the lingering U.S. Supreme Court vacancy around the time of his Jan. 20 inauguration after the Republican-led Senate refused to consider President Barack Obama's nominee, a senior Trump aide said on Wednesday.


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