An openly gay Texas judge says she refuses to conduct marriage ceremonies for straight couples until same-sex couples can also wed.
The gunman who opened fire at Oregon's Umpqua Community College singled out Christians, according to the father of a wounded student. Before going into spinal surgery, Anastasia Boylan told her fat...
Firearm possession should be banned in America; Obama can orchestrate this directive.
Like all of the beat Majority rule windbags, Nancy Pelosi badmouths President Trump for being wealthy and for supposedly as it were working for the adv
This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain’s life in politics. According to White House officials, McCain is believed to have somehow gained access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. And he isn’t keeping quiet about what was talked about either. An …
November 24, 2015: It was YUGE. GOP Presidential candidate and front-runner Donald J. Trump held a campaign rally and gave a speech to an overflow crowd at t...
Gosar said he would urge Attorney General Jeff Sessions to seek "criminal prosecution against these traitors to our nation."
Tension rises between Obama and the FBI over the nature of the San Bernardino Shooting. Is the White House playing down the terrorist angle? Find out here.
Republicans voted to add the very type of spending that allegedly concerns them most, and dramatically increased the burden of government on taxpayers.
He is widely considered America's greatest pastor, but Billy Graham refused to take a clear stand against the greatest moral evil America faced in his day, some say.
At $88.9 trillion, the DC Swamp, it turns out, is far deeper and wider than anyone thought possible.
“After distributing the 2021 catalog internally, we discovered an image that could be misinterpreted,” IKEA said.
Conservative movement professionals in Washington, D.C. are plotting to form a "blacklist" of Donald Trump supporters that they can kick out of the movement, never to return.
Recognizing the social Kingship of Christ is vital today, says the Cardinal.
If economic issues and monetary policy is your bag, then this video of Ted Cruz on CNBC's Sqawkbox is for you. This topic covers some of the most important and impactful policy affecting the United States.
H/T MAGS-4-TRUMP2016 @magnifier661 SHORT VERSION HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3OfXMlQRRY CNN Anderson Cooper CAUGHT running DEFENSE for #CrookedHil...
[Editor's note: press accountability, defined as a "dynamic of interaction between a given medium and the value sets of individuals or groups receiving media messages," is one of the fundamental tenets of a free, open,
You can really see the love
Stan Zimmerman, a former 'Roseanne' writer from the show's original run, will direct the show, which opens on September 6 at the Dorie Theatre in Los Angeles.
Hungary: Sex is biologically determined, the concept of gender, as 'social sex' is nonsense
President Donald Trump tweeted Friday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should look into corruption on the “other side” of the political aisle, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails, former FBI Director James Comey’s “lies & leaks,” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “conflicts,” former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, and Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr.
Lt. General Michael Flynn will be honored at Phyllis Schlafly’s Gateway Eagle Council in St. Louis on September 15, 2018. The Gateway Pundit is partnering with Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council for the 47th annual event this year. The event will bring together several top conservative leaders to this Gateway City. ** Buy your tickets today. …
I don’t usually make predictions about what’s going to happen in the future. Because I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. Because it’s the future. So no one knows what it is.