
President Donald Trump focused his inaugural address on 'we' the American people, leaving himself out of the speech almost entirely. [caption id="attachment_5433838" align="alignnone" width="640"]


Comedian/actor Peter Kim recently filmed an "In My Humble Opinion" segment for PBS in which he castigated anyone who would dare ask him the question: "Where are you from?"


The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday eased sanctions on Russian intelligence agency FSB put in place by former President Barack Obama last year over accusations that Moscow launched cyber attacks to try to influence the U.S. presidential election.


Students At UC Berkeley Support Man Waving ISIS Flag Students at the UC Berkeley campus set the bar for outrageous ...


The Navy’s presence in the South China Sea is historically routine, but its patrols there have increasingly agitated China’s government, which has made sweeping territorial claims to maritime rights in the 1.35 million-square-mile sea.


The North Carolina House has overridden Governor Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 41.


Over the past thousands of years, religions and countries have clashed together over differences. The main religions in the 21st century are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. Since these religions have been around for thousands of years, hundreds of conflicts have arisen due to their differences and arguments. For the most part, at the end …


The Chinese Communist Party has a brilliant new propagandist in Olympic gold medalist Eileen Gu, the American born freestyler skier


Freedom of speech is threatened and the best method to protect it is to sanction (i.e. punish) those who oppose freedom of speech on college campuses.


Armed residents in St. Louis, Missouri, reportedly guarded their property on Sunday evening as demonstrators marched through their neighborhood. Columbia Missourian journalist Daniel Shular recorded a video of the couple and posted in on Twitter, writing: “A couple has come out of their house and is pointing guns at protesters in their neighborhood.” Other videos […]


Guest essay by Ari Halperin Many people hold the opinion that the early full reports of the IPCC Working Group I were scientifically wholesome, at least for some time. This might be true for some p…


When Spencer covered news earlier this month that the Maryland legislature was considering the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, it was tempting to think it was too evil to


It's rare to see a prediction that you can say is correct with near-100% confidence. But—sadly, regrettably—this is one of them:


Why do some continue to say that it has nothing to do with their love of country or the National Anthem itself, they are either being disingenuous...


Hello Insiders! Today we're covering updates to our hate speech policy, notifications launches, and more! 0:04 Hate Speech Updates- https://youtube.googleblo...


Conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch sided with the U.S. Supreme Court's four ...


The Cruz campaign has come out swinging today, calling the New York Times on the carpet for lying about why they blackballed Cruz's new book. They want the New York Times to release their evidence ...


In an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, the GOP senator says he’s “not sure” Congress can kill the agreement.


“Once the leftists gain control, as they have at many universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed.”


This week, Politico released on article suggesting that Ted Cruz has lost the trust of his peers, save for libertarian-leaning Mike Lee, who chimed in to his defense. The comments on the article, most


The military isn't getting a paycheck? Let's celebrate!


Are you confused about how Barack Obama thinks about the War on Terror?


A very different picture emerges...


NPR Music's Ann Powers breaks down the mixed reaction to Timberlake's big week, in which a new album and a Super Bowl performance both took a beating in popular opinion and the press.