
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul raked in $7 million in the last Federal Election Commission (FEC) fundraising quarter.


We've long called the GOP "The Stupid Party," and it certainly deserves the nickname, but whats the right family-friendly adjective for the Democrat Party? - "The Moronic Party?" " The Mind-Bogglingly Nuts Party?"


How Upset Is the Chamber that It's Losing the Ex-Im Fight? Maybe Upset Enough to Primary Republicans
When the House left for its August recess, supporters of the Export-Import Bank lost all hope that the agency would be revived this month thanks to the Senate efforts.


This Stossel special will blow your mind! The government, especially the EPA is out of control as well as local prosecutors trying to make a name for themsel...


Newly disclosed N.S.A. documents show that the agency gained access to billions of emails through a “highly collaborative” relationship with AT&T.


Mexico said Trump's plan reflects "prejudice, racism or plain ignorance."


Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and her family reportedly paid a State Department to maintain the private email server she used during her tenure as secretary of state.


Donald Trump donated to Mitt Romney in 2012. On Sunday Mitt Romney told Jake Tapper he does not believe Donald ...


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailSo far the most electrifying moment of the debate has been Ted Cruz taking his chance to rip into the media and absolutely destroy CNBC on their bias. Watch the amazingnes…


When confronted with politically incorrect language which exposes a leftist hero as a self-contradicting sellout, the only solution is some modern day book burning!


“Every child deserves the opportunity to live up to their God given potential. @HillaryClinton #blacklivesmatter”


Honduran police arrested a Syrian woman and two Pakistanis on Saturday after determining the three were traveling illegally and presumably en route to the Untied States, a police official said. The two Pakistanis are Muhammad Shafiq, 30, and Nassem Abbas, 21, police added.


Conservative Campaign Committee PAC came out swinging against Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and his bid for re-election against Kelli Ward.


Steven Crowder debunks the top common myths and Leftist lies surrounding the scary AR15 rifle. Want to watch the full show every day? Join #MugClub! http://l...


Still angry about the budget deal he signed last week, President Donald Trump has floated the idea of using the Pentagon budget to pay for his long-promised border wall with Mexico, despite the fact that...


‘I am sick and tired of liberals using black people and making us look like victims’


Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign asserted on Tuesday that he could still win the general election without Pennsylvania and Florida.


The network routinely allows outright lies to stand if aimed at critics of Democrats, especially fabricated allegations of being Kremlin agents. The latest is Malcolm Nance.


'Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own'


If half of what I have come to understand about the Curious Case of Bill Browder is true, then the “Magnitsky Trio” of Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Ben Cardin are guilty of espionage, at a minimum...

Watch out! Because if your roommate gets to know about these Halloween Prank Ideas before you, then you will have to watch out as these are creepy.


Both religious and politically conservative parents are pursuing other education options amid culture clashes.


Typically when a news host invites a guest on for an interview they ask a series of questions and allow the guest to elaborate. That wasn’t the case on Thursday when CNN host Chris Cuomo had on President Trump’s Counselor, Kellyanne Conway. Cuomo took up 51 percent of the interview for himself.