
At the Republican debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colorado Wednesday night, presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz lambasted the moderators, particularly John Harwood of The New York Times, and the media for their treatment and characterization of himself and his competitors.
"The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media," Cruz at Wednesday's Republican debate. "Everyone home tonight knows that the moderators have no intention of voting in a Republican primary."
Cruz later went tete-a-tete with Harwood, a CNBC contributor, for cutting him off and wanting to move on.
"Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise that would raise the debt limit, prevent a government shutdown, and calm financial markets of the fear that a Washington crisis is on the way. Does your opposition to it show you're not the kind of problem-solver that American voters want?" CNBC anchor Carl Quintanilla asked the presidential candidate.
"Let me say something at the outset," the Senator from Texas said. "The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media."
"This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions -- Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don't you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues," Cruz said to commanding applause from the audience.
"Do we get credit for this one," Quintanilla asked Cruz?
"And Carl, I'm not finished yet. The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every thought and question from the media was, which of you is more handsome and why?" Cruz asked and then paused to cough.
"You have 30 seconds left to answer should you choose to do so," Quintanilla told the candidate.
"Let me be clear," Cruz said. "The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than ever participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks."
"Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary," Cruz said.
"The questions being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other, it should be what are your substantive solutions to people at home," Cruz said before getting cut off.
"I asked you about the debt limit and got no answer," Quintanilla said.
"You want an answer to that question?" Cruz asked. "I'd be happy to answer your question."
Cruz was interrupted this time by John Harwood who said "we're moving on."
"Senator Paul, I've got a question for you," Harwood said in his attempt to move on.
"So you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?" Cruz called out the anchor. "You don't want to hear the answer, you just want to incite insults."


An empowered man is a free one, and Wilson's ideas can make us all freer.


ISIS released a new online threat today on JustPasteIt. The terrorist group says they will murder Pamela Geller and kill ...


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More at http://www.LouderWithCrowder.com Whilst you carve that Thanksgiving turkey, lets scalp some buffalo crap myths about Pilgrims and Native Americans. F...


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Cruz is a devotee of a well-known foreign-policy school, Jacksonianism, which can be linked to our 7th President, Andrew Jackson, who served from 1829 to 1837.


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Devin Nunes, California congressman, sent out a curious tweet that suggested the leakers in Washington, D.C., have been outed.


Nikolas Cruz, like many shooters, lacked positive role models. Donating to these organizations can provide the help to avert similar tragedies.


It was announced this week that the Denver Post will soon be cutting one-third of its newsroom staff.


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(Disclaimer: Graphic details below) The Taliban beheaded an Afghan soldier, then chanted praise to their leader Hibatullah Akhundzada while holding the severed head of their victim by his hair in a video posted in a private Taliban chat room, Washington Examiner reported. The 36-second video, which was obtained by the Washington Examiner, was posted a week ago. It's unclear when it was made, but on August 17, Taliban leaders promised amnesty for government workers and protection for women.


President Trump kept the diplomacy door open with North Korea on Friday, welcoming the regime's latest “productive” statement and saying the two sides are still talking following the administration’s decision to cancel a planned summit with Kim Jong Un.


LAS VEGAS (AP) — Donald Trump railed Saturday against efforts by some frustrated Republicans planning a last-ditch effort to try to thwart him from becoming the party's nominee, threatening at one point to stop fundraising if Republicans don't rally around him. Speaking at a theater at the Treasure Island hotel on the Las Vegas strip, Trump referred to "an insurgent group" trying to deny him delegates at the party's July convention. While Trump dismisses the effort as invented, more Republicans in Congress are saying they will not attend the party convention and are not endorsing his candidacy. [...] a movement exists among some conservative delegates and operatives to change party rules to allow a different nominee, though it's a longshot effort lacking sufficient backing and a candidate to offer up at an alternative. The billionaire businessman also threatened that, if Republicans don't come together, he was prepared to stop fundraising and go back to largely self-funding his campaign. Trump mistakenly blamed the delays on the Transportation Security Administration, which sometimes handles audience screening but was not involved in screening at the Treasure Island hotel.


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