
U.S. and foreign law enforcement agencies on the local and federal level will have easier access to Americans' electronic communications.


The Justice Department’s inspector general confirmed Wednesday that it is looking into how the department and the FBI handled requests to conduct secret surveillance, in what appears to be a review of how the Obama administration used the anti-Trump Steele dossier.


America is importing less oil than any time in the last 45 years, no thanks to costly federal support for ethanol. Federal programs such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which requires gasoli


A number of California lawmakers opposed to the state's sanctuary policy are meeting with President Trump on Wednesday to discuss the heavily debated law and illegal immigration.


Antifa protesters in Portland, Oregon, vandalized the Democratic Party headquarters on Sunday night. They apparently painted "F**k Biden."


At least one California sheriff is refusing to go along with Gov. Newsom's latest COVID restrictions.


Historical parallelism is a dangerous game. But in the days after the shootings in Orlando, Florida, as we fall into another cycle of fretting over our ...


“Less than lethal now being used on left wing protesters” reports Luke Rudkowski, live from the Portland dueling protests. While it’s on his livestream, you’ll have to scroll back in the feed to see it. “It’s unclear if it was police or protesters who let off the M-80’s” says Rudkowski. Fortunately, Portland local Mike …


African-Americans should consider giving Omarosa her black card back.


New Orleans Saints have a new member of their Saintsations cheerleading team. His name is Jessie Hernandez. On Friday, Jessie made history to become first NFL's male cheerleader.


The NY Times assists in the slander of Brett Kavanaugh


BOSTON, MA—A local university professor began his World History class in earnest this week with a trigger warning for his socialist students, in case any of them might get an anxiety attack at socialism?s bleak, deadly record. The professor warned students that the conception of socialism they gained through social media is a far cry ?

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Then-Senator Barack Obama in 2005 (Screenshot) “We all agree on the need to better secure the borders and to punish employers that choose to hire illegal immigrants,” then-Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) declared back on Dec. 15, 2005.


Democrats Are Panicked That Latinos Won’t Turn Out to Vote — but Not Enough to Talk to Them About It
A recent poll found that more than half of Latinos nationwide haven’t been contacted by a political party or campaign about voting or registering to vote.


Post with 2 views. R/Florida banned me for asking a question.


1791L - An independence collective ✖ Twitter https://twitter.com/1791L ✖ Facebook https://facebook.com/1791L ☄ Written & produced by Jesua Flores https://twi...


Donald Trump and Mike Pence are hosting Inaugural festivities and for only one million dollars, you too can get exclusive access to the various events. (hote...


Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old Dutchman, is suing to legally change his age.Ratelband reasons that he lives in a society where people can change their genders, so to him, it only makes sense that he can change his age.But why?Ratelband cites several reasons as to why he wants to lower his age from 69 years to 49 years.The Dutchman, who is a motivational speaker and media personality in the Netherlands, says that he'd likely have better luck dating, gaining employment, and making large purchases, such as homes or vehicles, if he were younger on paper.“When I'm 69, I am limited,” he explains. “If I'm 49, then I can buy a new house, drive a different car. I can take up more work.”Ratelband adds, "When I'm on Tinder and it says I'm 69, I don't get an answer. When I'm 49, with the face I have, I will be in a luxurious ?


Democrats hope to highlight positions held by cabinet nominees that are inconsistent with Donald J. Trump’s campaign promises and paint them as untrustworthy.


On Saturday, CNN's S.E. Cupp opened up her show with a scathing indictment of President Donald Trump's recent actions. "In a matter of one week, the president


CHICAGO — To read the worshipful press coverage you’d never know that, for Democrats, the unthinkable has happened: Michelle Obama has revealed herself as just another guru for sale. On Tuesday nig…


Because of stifling federal regulations, they had no chance to benefit from it.


Craig Murray, former British ambassador and associate of Julian Assange, told the Dailymail.com he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C.