
The journal behind the viral article on “rape culture” in dog parks has been unusually quiet amid mounting concerns that the article was a hoax.


“@Ocasio2018 What the fuck. Abolish has one definition: To eliminate. You’re not gonna get anywhere with the leftists who helped elect you with this centrist bullshit.”


In his own words, Donald Trump reveals his contradictions about Iraq, immigration, health care, abortion, Libya, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and more. If y...


Trump fan and Grammy-Award winning rapper Kanye West recently did a long interview with the WGCI 107.5 radio show in Chicago. Of course, the mainstream media tried to frame the interview as his apo…


A Hispanic principal is systematically booting white, Jewish and older teachers from his Midtown high school, current and former staffers allege in lawsuits. “I think he hates us,’’ Peter Cohn, a f…


Maj. Jason Brezler has sued the Navy Department and Marine Corps.


Trumpism is now the unregretted tattoo that altered the Republican coalition, making it edgier, more rugged, and more relentless in pursuing its objectives.


Donald Trump has been roundly mocked for his bluster about being surrounded by "the best people" when there has been a merry-go-round of key staffers being hired and then ultimately replaced. However, the fact is that Hillary Clinton has surrounded herself with the worst people, as they are either currently under FBI investigation or have been linked to previous criminal investigations. Clinton and her team act as a leftist mob that are the epitome of sleaze and corruption that the Clintons have engaged in throughout their political careers.


Four 'potential explosive devices' sent to Hillary Clinton, former President Obama, billionaire George Soros and CNN at Manhattan's Time Warner Center are thought to be linked, law enforcement sources say -- and...


The corruption scandal surrounding Florida Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum continued to grow on Friday as newly-released documents show that an undercover FBI agent, who posed as a developer seeking to do business with Gillum's Tallahassee government, allegedly paid thousands of do


Labor Secretary Thomas Perez learned a harsh lesson this month.


President Barack Obama linked “climate change” and the Second Amendment to the threat of Islamic terrorism - which he described as “violent extremism” - during a Tuesday address at Macdill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.


Tillerson has surpassed Mitt Romney in the secretary of state sweepstakes.


The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! So much of the current frothing over Donald Trump’s alleged “secret” alliance with Vladimir Putin resonates for a simple reason: the Cold War


According to multiple sources, the involvement of Obama in many illegal dealings is very prevelent. As a matter-of-fact, obviously more that any other president in history. When we start doing the math, there is a lot of reason to be concerned.


This week in regressive identity politics... MTV News is a progressive, inclusive and tolerant news source, that is unless you're white male. SIDE NOTE: I kn...


CNN contributor Mary Katherine Ham had John Berman and Brianna Keilar fighting back laughter with her impression of Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is fuming over President Obama’s abstention in last week’s anti-Israel vote at the United Nations. Israelis warn Obama may have even more in store for the …


1791L - Independent informant. If you enjoy my content remember to whitelist my channel on your ad blocker. Alternatively, consider becoming a patron: https:...


The actions of the Congressional Black Caucus in threatening violence to defend the ‘cops as pigs’ painting hanging in the ...


For those State Department employees …


Donald Trump sworn in as US President; makes speech calling for reconstruction and protection at home, peace and retrenchment abroad.


Kristen Bell is now under fire after taking photos with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department. Get the details here.