Why would the text of President Trump?s Executive Order suspending travel visas be readily available on CNN (HERE), New York Times (HERE), Wall Street Journal (HERE),  but not on White House …
A new California climate change bill would require agencies to consider the “social cost” of greenhouse gas emissions in competitive bids for infrastructure projects.
A major newspaper demands Patriots' quarterback Tom Brady answer for his support of President Trump.
Home schooling is illegal in Germany
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Ep. 263 - Can Oprah Be President?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Oprah considers running for president, Democrats decide to rip down Trump's tribute to a Gold Star widow, and we check the mailbag!
Trump: ‘Freedom Is Not a Gift From Government --- Freedom Is a Gift From God’
President’s outburst in last week’s talks, alleging PA chief is engaged in anti-Israel incitement, was followed by shocked silence, Channel 2 claims; Palestinians insist meeting went fine
Washington lawmakers are fed up with the antics of Evergreen State College, and plan to introduce legislation defunding the left-leaning institution.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) stated that after President Donald Trump is impeached, Vice President Mike Pence should be, as well.
Figures bust myth that "right-wingers" are the biggest hate crime threat.
Even a mild case of COVID-19 can create antibody that could give you lifetime protection from the virus, according to a new study.

White Supremacists

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

“White supremacy” has become a central part of the left’s narrative. In an hour and a half of casual news watching on television in early October 2017, for example, I heard three references to whit…


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Trampling Article V

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Those who hail the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage as a victory base their praise on the subject matter of the case and its outcome.
Paul will keep up his efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and plans to "try to force a vote" to do so.

Thomas Sowell - Diversity

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Prolific author and columnist Thomas Sowell discusses affirmative action and diversity with Charlie Rose. http://www.libertypen.com
The left loves to portray the right as bigots who hate minorities, women, Muslims, and gays. So the media latch onto any claim of perceived discrimination or hate, real or not, and report it with glee (forget investigation and due diligence!). Obviously, crimes do occur that are genuinely motivated by someone’s ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. But many are simply hoaxes committed by liberal activists for the cause of furthering their agenda. The media makes no distinctions in figuring out which ones are real and which are staged. Just this past week, two more alleged hate crimes were debunked. After a gay bar owner’s business burned down in 2012, he complained he was ‘targeted’ because of his sexual orientation. He finally admitted to committing the act himself and was charged August 4.
Chuck Todd asked why Trump's candidacy makes America feel like "we’re all part of a reality show."
Hours after traffic-blocking violent rioting and a dozen arrests in Portland, Oregon, the city's mayor posted a photo of himself and his wife strolling peacefully into a market hand-in-hand, using the caption: "Sundays in Portland."
Jon Voight has had one of the longest, most impressive careers in Hollywood history, from the title role in 1969's Oscar winner Midnight Cowboy to his current role in the hit series Ray Donovan.
In the very midst of the Paris bloodbath Friday night, Salon Magazine published a shameful piece suggesting that the blame for such horrific terrorist attacks falls on the “incendiary rhetoric” of America’s conservative movement and “right-wing media” for using strong language against progressives.
French Amb on Trump Gun Rights Claim: ‘Only in the Movies’ Does Someone Use a Gun to Defend Himself
Ronald Reagan gives this address to Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) at a 1975 meeting. He talks about how to use bold banners, not pale pastels, when activ...