President Barack Obama launched a full-throated defense of open immigration policies Tuesday, hailing it as America's "oldest tradition" amid a fierce election-fueled row over tighter rules. Hours before Republican candidates held a security-focused final presidential debate of the year, Obama told 31 newly naturalized Americans that fair immigration was the touchstone of their adoptive country. "Just about every nation in the world, to some extent, accepts immigrants," Obama said.
In a disastrous interview with CNN?s Jake Tapper Sunday, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel compared himself to a president, while touting his ?amazing leadership.? 
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Mark Levin deserves a ton of credit for the work he has done in the last couple of weeks. Although he was initially pretty friendly to Trump, the disgusting liberal Democrat attacks that Trump has started against Ted Cruz have made Levin realize what a snake Trump is, and he has called out Trump accordingly. Unlike certain other talk | Read More »
If you ban all abortion, then nobody is legally killed by abortion. If you ban all guns, it doesn’t mean no one is legally killed by guns.
Text for H.R.5087 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Assault Weapons Ban of 2018
It’s they key to breaking our current performance gridlock.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told an audience today that illegal aliens are “not going away” and are ...

Lee Amendment Can Stop AFFH

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Congress once again has a very real chance to stop President Obama’s wildly overreaching Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation. Senator Mike Lee has proposed an amendment to defund AFFH. The amendment should reach the floor for a vote on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. This is the time for readers who oppose AFFH to contact your senators and press them to support the Lee Amendment. AFFH puts unaccountable federal bureaucrats in charge of your local government. It’s not too strong to say that over the long term, AFFH spells the effective end of local government in America and a shift to a federally controlled “regionalist” system instead. For a sense of what that means, consider the way in which the Obama administration took control of housing in Dubuque, and the reaction in Dubuque itself to my attack on that federal takeover. Or consider the way in which the Obama administration’s attempt to take control of housing in Westchester County, New York is now threatening free speech everywhere. Senator Lee himself has just taken on AFFH in a piece entitled, “We Don’t Need a National Zoning Board.” Senators considering their vote on the Lee Amendment need to keep the politics as well as the substance of this issue in mind. AFFH is a political nightmare for the Democrats. That’s why they put so much effort into keeping AFFH under the radar. Yet the issue is already catching far more public attention than it ever has before. It’s been increasingly discussed on talk radio, and conservative writers are beginning to take notice as well. More important, AFFH itself is going to begin hitting localities intensely in the coming years. Public uproar is destined to grow. Senators need to ask themselves if they want to be on record in favor of AFFH once the rule itself takes full effect and stirs up public outrage. The House has already passed the Gosar Amendment defunding AFFH twice. House Republicans supported that amendment by an overwhelming margin. AFFH’s overreach is so egregious that it unites all factions of the Republican Party. So if the Lee Amendment passes the Senate, its equivalent is very likely to carry again in the House. Defunding AFFH would go a long way toward uniting a divided Republican party, and that could have a big effect in this election year. Moderate Democrats who go on record in favor of AFFH are going to be in some serious trouble as well once this regulation begins to function in the coming months and years. Senators of all parties should take note. This vote is destined to be remembered. — Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He can be reached at [email protected].
Is the Donald really a fit standard-bearer for the flame of Reaganite conservatism?
The Trump administration officially withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty, a 2002 agreement to promote military transparency with Russia and NATO allies.

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Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

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There’s no denying that President Donald Trump loves to hate The New York Times.

Henry Seward on Twitter

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

“@Ocasio2018 So -- in other words, #AbolishICE doesn't actually mean that you want to abolish ICE. You just want a kinder, gentler network of humans who terrorize immigrants. Gotcha.”
ABC News was up to its old tricks this week. We warned in late October 2016 before the 2016 election that the polls from the MSM were bogus.   Trump won and we were right. On Friday ABC News/ Washington Post released a poll that found that only 36% of the American public approve of the Trump administration ?
Thanks to @SocialistMop on , this is the most clever, terrifyingly true song of 2016. Who knew James Comey and Hillary could sing so well & Hillary's laugh finally works. Enjoy.
An evangelical undercurrent helped propel Trump to the White House.
Until the law changes, sex means sex, and the Trump administration’s proposed language is completely consistent with the science, both old and new.
NBC News is under fire for sitting on information that contradicted attorney Michael Avenatti’s claim that then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted his client in high school.
Canada has just taken control of a Role 2 Medical Facility in Northern Iraq, which is staffed with over 50 healthcare professionals, including surgeons, physicians, nurses, lab and diagnostics tech…
In response to Hampshire College’s removal of the American flag, House Republicans have introduced a bill to strip federal funding from flag-banning schools.
Abrams is running around the Peach State looking for enough votes to force the apparent winner, Republican Brian Kemp, into a runoff.
Do you remember the New York Daily News reporter that claimed to have PTSD from firing an AR15?  Here's a reminder: You can read his full story here.  This foolishness spawned countless memes and hilarious video responses mocking him.