If democrats ever want to understand why they don’t control Congress, the White House or most statehouses, they should take a look at this article on The Hill in which they basically say they are furious that President Trump is doing such a good job with the economy. Notice how I said “if” they want

Bernie Sanders on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“I believe the function of banking should not be about making as much profits as possible but rather ensuring affordable loans for Americans.”
It could have been a whole lot worse without this hero.
Steven crowder undercover with not gay jared shows how these people want to use tax payer money for there transition operations and not pay for then Subscrib...
Maybe the makers of “The Big Bang Theory” don’t watch “Meet the Press.” Hillary Clinton got into a bit of trouble when she told host Chuck Todd “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights…
Germany's right-wing populist AfD party drew heavy fire Monday after two of its leaders labelled Islam incompatible with the country's values and constitution. The three-year-old Alternative for Germany party, which harshly opposes Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal refugee policy, plans
Five Ways to Know If You Can Talk to Someone about Climate
Ted Cruz, off a big loss to Donald Trump, is looking to pick off congressional districts in Maryland and Pennsylvania in the race for Republican delegates
Are beliefs of Americans reflected by the culture and media landscape? Kennedy and Candace Owens weigh in on 'The Next Revolution.' FOX News Channel (FNC) is...

The Columbia Bugle on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“The face you make when you realize you may have to run against @tedcruz. #CruzCrew #ChooseCruz #PCDonald #TedCruz”
There may be some reasonable, common sense firearm policies we could all agree on. But if you want to find out what they are, why would you ever listen to ad...
The U.S.’ ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, called out the Security Council for failing to condemn the most recent and indiscriminate attacks on Israel. In the last month, Hamas, along with its allied group Islamic Jihad has fired close to 180 Iranian-made mortar shells and rockets to Israel.
One of the moments from Donald Trump's foreign policy speech that attracted the most attention wasn't intentional. People watching Trump's speech quickly tur...
There is nothing that hurts a campaign than being accused of raping a teenage girl, especially when it happened at a party with a convicted pedophile. The alleged rape victim, Kate Johnson, says that Trump raped her in 1994 when she was just 13 years old at a New York residence. The victim says
In the wake of the catastrophic defeat in Indiana prompting Sen. Ted Cruz’s unexpected exit from campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, I have not only refused to vote for Do…


Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Provides a "nowcast" of the official GDP growth estimate prior to its first release.
Janice Atkinson, British meber of European parliament has microphone shut down and is booed by colleagues after bringing attention to the massive safety risk...
For conservatives, the choice between Clinton & Trump is hard. Neither is a champion of conservative values & the character of each is severely flawed.
DC: Donald Trump told a group of business leaders Tuesday that the news media is helping smugglers and human traffickers deliver migrants into the United States. Trump spoke in the middle of media outrage over the administration enforcing America’s border laws — which has the consequence of separating some families at the border in order...
Here are examples of Donald Trump's conspiracy-mongering, left-wing positions.
WASHINGTON (AP) — States will be able to force more people to pay sales tax when they make online purchases under a Supreme Court decision Thursday that will leave shoppers with l
Download the episode "Obama child trafficking case gets even more grim.." from the podcast The Crypto Currently Podcast for free.

I Used to be a Liberal

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Jesse tells about his conversion from Liberal to Conservative and the impact it's had on his life' "I Used to be a Liberal" was written by Jesse Goldberg and...
Luke Rosiak, DCNF A top aide to Democrat Rep. Yvette Clarke told Capitol Hill investigators she believed the New York congresswoman’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with IT aide Abid Awan to steal equipment from the congressional office. Clarke “wrote off” one-tenth of her annual budget after $120,000 in equipment could not be ?
The road to the Iran nuclear deal was paved with lies