Four suspicious packages sent to prominent Democrats – and CNN – all contained the same return address, law enforcement officials said.
Follow Liz on Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler Facebook: www.facebook.com/TippingPointonOAN Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialLizWheeler Instagram: @Liz_OANN
Evidence clearly points to the presence of drug dealers, terrorists and criminals mixed in among the marchers
Tucker Carlson eviscerated one of the journalists accusing Jeff Sessions of being racist on his new primetime show on Fox News Friday, saying bluntly the column on the Republican senator is "one of th
In an interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump demonstrated clearly and convincingly that if there is indeed a presidential Trump, he won’t be arriving anytime soon. After spending most of the morning battling with the “failing” publication over the rules of engagement, Trump finally sat down with the editorial staff, where he proceeded to acknowledge that he would continue running the Trump businesses even as president, running roughshod over Republicans who disagree with him, praising Democrats, and ignoring problems of his own making.
Associated Press raises eyebrows at president-elect Donald Trump for meeting too many retired generals about positions in his nascent administration.
“I am honored to be nominated by President-elect Trump today,” said Ms. Verma. “I look forward to helping him tackle our nation's daunting healthcare problems in a responsible and sustainable way."
Tucker Carlson takes on Georgetown University professor Engy Abdelkader over her claims of "Islamophobia" in America. (November 30th, 2016)
From the editors of TIME
Marxist Code Pink pro-Taliban activist Kyrsten Sinema was declared the winner today against female fighter pilot Republican Martha McSally in the Arizona senate race. Martha McSally was a #NeverTrumper before the 2016 election. She refused to attend the Republican convention. But Paul Ryan really liked her. Globalists VS Nationalists That's all that's left. pic.twitter.com/qaK3Li7QBm — …
Hillary Clinton’s election defeat had many pundits declaring the Clinton era finally over. But a series of meetings with key Democratic donors and leaders – combined with still-fawning press coverage and even a quirky social
UPDATE: TMZ originally reported that the woman was Avenatti's estranged wife, they now report that "it was not. The incident involved a different woman."
In the same December 19 Time issue that declared Donald Trump an “outlandish” “demagogue,” columnist Joe Klein seriously praised Barack Obama for having “absolutely no hint of scandal” during his eight years as President. In a fawning article titled “Amazing Grace,” the journalist ignored the IRS targeting of conservatives, the terrible conditions at Barack Obama’s Veterans Affairs, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal while his Secretary of State, to name a few scandals.
Traces of explosives have been found on the bodies from the EgyptAir crash in May ? suggesting that the plane was bombed out of the sky by terrorists, according to several media reports Thurs…
"This is not just an attack on me and my campaign..."
The UN Security Council voted 14-0 on Friday — with the US abstaining — in favor of an anti-settlement resolution...
Even recently the Left acknowledged the difference between the political and legal dispute over Israel’s settlements.
Many Americans are glad to see 2016 come to an end. It was ugly, nasty, politically overkilled and filled with apocalyptic predictions and multiple sharks being jumped multiple times. It was also the year in which the embittered Obama administration went Full Obama, setting the torch to the United States' relationship with Israel and demonstrating once and for all how feckless and fitful the One's foreign policy really is.
NEW YORK — Sources told the Daily News that Hillary Clinton has "left open the possibility" of running for mayor of New York City. Clinton is reportedly being pressed by New York Democrats to dive back into politics and give Mayor Bill de Blasio some competition in the mayoral race later this year, according to well placed sources within the party that spoke with the Daily News.
On Thursday evening, Jeff Jeans of Sedona, Arizona asked Speaker of the House Paul Ryan a question during a CNN townhall. He said he had voted for Presidents Reagan and George Bush, and that he had originally opposed Obamacare. “When it was passed,” he said, “I told my wife we would close our business before I complied with this law.” He was then diagnosed with a “very curable type of cancer” at 49 and told he had six weeks to live. He said he was denied treatment because he didn’t have insurance, even though he offered to pay three times the cost.
Ukrainian president Zelensky just admitted that American troops will be needed to keep Ukraine from total collapse. At the same time NATO announces Ukraine w...
At no time was he made aware of an Iranian plan to destroy America.
Thousands of protesters descend on Washington, some of them blocking checkpoints, preventing Trump supporters from making in to see ceremony.
Nonviolent protests work. Violent protests cause a backlash.