
The tech-savvy extremist group that has cut a bloody swath across the Middle East has gleaned important information from the Snowden files on how the US and its allies gather intelligence on militants.


George Soros says the Trump administration will disappear in 2020 "or even sooner." He also took aim at Facebook and Google and falsely claimed Trump wants to create a "mafia state" in the U.S.


What ISIS has done in Paris is an act of war. Let's destroy them, says Larry Kudlow.


Communism is still making and keeping people poor, causing instability on the Korean peninsula and killing Venezuelans every day


Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee


September 12, 2001 a woman calls on the howard stern and confirms trump about muslims cheering after 9/11. In South Paterson New Jersey, Her Husband who was ...


Officials say they think that as the San Bernardino attack happened, female shooter Tashfeen Malik posted a pledge of allegiance to ISIS' leader on Facebook.


Wikileaks Exposes Yahoo Reporter Michael Isikoff as a Hillary Clinton / DNC Mole
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • isikoff dnc hillary obamagate mole rat wikileaks assange
Wikileaks Exposes Michael Isikoff, whose Yahoo News article based on the "Steele dossier" was used to obtain the FISA warrant against the Trump campaign as a DNC Mole


A Christmas tree erected on the campus of a West Bank university is decorated with pictures of Palestinian terrorists not traditional ornaments


Michael D. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed for the 2016 payment.


Businessman Donald Trump’s lead in national polling is larger than Hillary Clinton’s lead over Socialist Bernie Sanders. Trump’s lead is ...


There?s a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won?t Like It. That’s right. You’re not going to like it because it’s going to require you to do something personally, as opposed to shouti…


Article V offers the only constitutional solution as big as the problem. Together, we can end federal overreach.


Electronics engineers design and develop electronic equipment, such as music players and GPS systems, and many work in areas closely associated with computer hardware, according to the government's descriptions.


The millennial masterminds behind the online Oath talk show The Morning Breath and Instagram sensation Girl With No Job have been fired, and some are speculating it's because their mother is a conservative pundit, while others are citing the sisters' past anti-Obama tweets that have recently resurfaced.


I started hearing from readers who told me that their children were being made to bring permission forms home by their schools? administrators, so that they could participate in the Walkout. Others?


Most analysts believed it was Trump and Cruz who dominated the debate and maintained their position at the top of the polls. Clearly, neither candidate is a favorite of the dreaded GOP establishment, which is desperately trying to bolster the chances of a more moderate candidate to win the nomination. This is evil, because it is an attempt to thwart the will of the people and continue the power and privileges of a select few, the elite party insiders.


The Trump-Russia collusion narrative is collapsing. The people pushing it must choose their poison: They either duped people & thereby abetted a gross abuse of power; or they were duped themsel…


The U.S. will impose new economic sanctions on two-dozen Russian individuals and entities for cyberattacks in the U.S. and meddling in the 2016 election, senior national security officials said Thursday.


Hillary calling young black children "superpredators" in the 90s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALXulk0T8cg


Recent employment numbers in metro Washington, DC, look like good news for Main Street America: Job growth in the nation’s capital has slowed. The metro area added less than 50,000 jobs over the en…


The Rubio campaign strategy focuses on a contested convention


A woman has been detained in Moscow after brandishing a severed child's head at police and allegedly shouting "Allahu Akbar".