
North Carolina lawmakers reached a deal to repeal the state's controversial "bathroom bill" that restricted the bathrooms transgender individuals can use.


Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was once part of a ring of Muslim students who accused their teacher of being Islamophobic, The Times Of London reported Saturday. The accusation came after the teach


The president's son confirmed that he met with a Russian lawyer, expecting to receive information that could hurt Hillary Clinton.


Trump’s policies and presence have been positive. Perhaps that momentum can be turned into reform.


Munger he hated Bitcoin’s success and thus refused to discuss bitcoin in Buffet's shareholders meeting held recently


Gorsuch and deregulation efforts are good, but ObamaCare repeal failure and the lack of appointments loom large.


Someone needs to tell creepy uncle Joe Biden to quit while he's ahead. Despite having ducked a spate of accusations over inappropriate touching, the 2020 presidential candidate is once again joking about his past behavior.


Dear Ta-Nehisi Coates: I read your book Between the World and Me, an elegant and poetic elegy written to your son on “the question,” as you...


Two former top Obama-appointed prosecutors co-author a diatribe against Trump attorney general Jeff Sessions for returning the Justice Department to purportedly outdated, too “tough on crime” charging practices. Yawn. After eight years of Justice Department stewardship by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, and after Obama’s record 1,715 commutations that systematically undermined federal sentencing laws, we know the skewed storyline.
The surprise is to find such an argument in the pages of National Review Online ...


Pepe the Frog will no longer be a go-to symbol for the white supremacist far right, if creator Matt Furie has his way. Motherboard reports that Furie’s legal representatives have sent DMCA takedown...


Puerto Rico mayor invited to take part in White House conference call - but told she could not speak
The Mayor of San Juan was invited, for the first time, to participate in a conference call with top White House officials marshalling the response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico only to be told she could listen in only but would not be allowed to say anything.


Major insurers in some states are proposing hefty rate boosts for plans sold under the federal health law, setting the stage for an intense debate this summer over the law’s impact. In New Mexico, market ...


Despite new groping allegations, The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline, and Variety have no front page stories about 'Buttman" Ben Affleck.


Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel says he's not worried about losing conservative viewers after his emotional, political monologues on health care and gun control.


Here's an up-close look at a quality-of-life offense the City Council wants to decriminalize. This urinating vagrant turned a busy stretch of Broadway into his own private bathroom yesterday - an o...


Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why “climate change,” far from being a recent human-caused di...


“The one guy for whatever reason says, ‘Somebody hit him,’ and they did and everybody went crazy" Police with Michigan’s Grand Rapids Police Department are


The real reason we are in this situation is that the media has totally lost its connection with a large portion of the nation, almost all of them conservatives.


ABC 20/20 episode aired on March 9, 2000 on the sale of fetal tissue from abortion clinics.


Former Texas Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Rick Perry’s campaign team in Iowa has dwindled to one paid staffer.


The Biden administration has threatened to send political operatives to the homes of people who refuse to take an experimental COVID-19 vaccine. On Tuesday, Biden announced his new initiatives to get people vaccinated, which include volunteer information stations at gatherings such as sporting events and places of worship as well as door-to-door outreach to pressure individuals to get a vaccine.


Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is laying the groundwork to launch a campaign for House speaker, Politico reports, citing “multiple sources.” In its headline, Politico calls his bid a "long shot." Chaffetz, chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, strongly criticized House Majority Leader Kevin...