
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I think the headline for me is the one for you. This is the most appalling performance by the moderators that I can remember seeing in a debate. They were overreaching, they were getting in the way. They were in the end obnoxious and I think what they did is they were able to set themselves up as the foils for the Republicans. So I think it actually strengthened the field and made them look better...
I don't think this is a corporate decision. I think the panelists were all flaming liberals. I don't know who it was who said none of you is going to be a voter in the Republican primary. And it showed. I mean this is just a bias. And also the lack of self-restraint, the arrogance, interrupting and it was also disorganized, it was not well done. But I thought Rubio was on the defensive and this is why he did so well... He knew he was going to be hit with that editorial and it came from Bush, who obviously had prepared it.
And I think Rubio came off that very strongly. He got the first applause from the audience as a result of that. And Christie I also thought was a guy who pivoted. The best question was unexpected, it was an obvious one, about fantasy football. It went to Bush. And he just showed he's a good man, he was a good governor but he ain't nimble. And he just fumbled around on the fantasy thing, 'well, it ought to be regulated but then again I don't think the feds ought to regulate it.' And Christie then came in and said, 'Wait a minute. We're talking about we've got all these troubles and ISIS, and the debt. That I thought, and what he did there, he came off attacking the big government idea. The second nemesis of conservatives is big media. And that is where Rubio scored and that is why I think he got the strongest response.


Broadcast primetime live + same-day ratings for Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015. Note: Live college football telecasts on ABC and FOX mean ratings for those networks could be subject to larger adjustments ...


On Tuesday, during President Donald Trump's State of the Union address, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was caught on camera about to stand up as he applauded the president when he suddenly looked around and realized none of his Democratic colleagues were standing.


Is affirmative action really doomed? Maybe not.


The student who shot two people at a Maryland school on Tuesday was legally prohibited from possessing or owning the firearm he used. The shooter, identified as 17-year-old Austin Rollins, was well be


The Stroudsburg Area School Board in Pennsylvania voted Monday to deny a $5,000 grant to their high school's rifle team because they didn't want to take "blood money" from the National Rifle Association.


Mexico is allowing a horde of over one thousand illegal (mostly) Central American migrants–many of whom are infants and children–to march though the country on their way to the United States where they will either seek asylum or try to illegally cross the border. The invading migrants are organized into groups and sub-groups like an …


Russia has been funneling money to a corporation that funds radical environmental groups who are vehemently opposed to fossil fuels and fracking in the United States. It is going on in New York, northern and western Pennsylvania, western Ohio...


Well, that's one heck of an "oopsie daisy" right here:


President Donald Trump and journalist James O’Keefe hinted on Sunday that something big is about to drop on Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as the 78-year-old socialist has surged in recent polls. Trump tweeted, “Wow! Crazy Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls, looking very good against his opponents in the Do Nothing Party. So […]


After coming off a euphoric win on Tuesday night, when 28-year-old socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY), things took a turn for the worse for the Left when Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement.


A small-town Kansas councilwoman allegedly bit a corrections officer so hard last week while being booked in jail that she broke the officer's thumb.


Vin Scully Socialism / vin scully/dodgers Broadcasting legend Vin Scully took the chance to opine on the merits of socialism between pitches of a Milwaukee B...


The claim that the fatal 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks were sparked by an anti-Muslim video was crafted in Washington by Obama administration appointees and reflected neither eyewitness nor real-time reports from the Americans under siege, according to the final report of the GOP-led Benghazi Select Committee.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Univision host Enrique Acevedo who claimed that Republicans such as Jeff Sessions have no right to eat Mexican food, because they are ‘anti-immigrant.’ Tucker...


Donald Trump is alleging that the Democratic Party is attempting to schedule general election debates that conflict with "major NFL games."


Michael Steele said Wednesday he would not give the benefit of the doubt to Ron Santis, who won the Republican primary Tuesday with President Trump’s support, for using the phrase “monkey this up” about the Democratic winner Andrew Gillum, who is black.


This is baby-sitting — Anthony Weiner-style. While his wife, Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman has been sexting with a busty brunette ou…


U.S.—In a SiriusXM interview Friday, Chelsea Clinton stated it would be ?unchristian? if she were to believe in God, read her Bible, or otherwise act in a way consistent with faith in God as the ultimate Judge and Ruler of the universe. She said, ?Believing in God and reading the Bible are representative of oppressive ?


More proof that the leftstream media is in the tank for Hillary.


Despite the media's recent obsession with the market decline, last week's events do not likely represent much because the economy is so strong.


577 votes and 20 comments so far on Reddit


Eric Reid and Malcolm Jenkins turned the fight for racial and social justice into a skirmish on the field. Reid then went on offense with his postgame comments, calling the Eagles safety and co-founder of The Players Coalition “a sellout.”


"You've got a right to be a brat … But you do not have a right to throw a temper tantrum on I-80 and put my constituents' lives in danger.”


RUSH: Donald Trump was elected to be different. Donald Trump was elected because people were fed up with politics-as-usual.