
The sanctions regime that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry vowed to step up has already collapsed.


If new numbers from Gallup are any indication


Donald Trump: What's the Deal? 25-Year-Old Donald Trump Documentary (FULL), 25-Year-Old Donald Trump Documentary Resurfaces, Free to Watch Online 25 years ag...


I suppose if there's a funny part to this, it's that 70% of North Korea's fleet is only 50 vessels. And most are antiques even by third world standards.
Via Yahoo:
North Korea has mobilised dozens of submarines and doubled its artillery units along the border, South Korea said


Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation encouraging that future history textbooks for public schools in California include a section on the 1930s deportation of more than 1 million U.S. citizens of Mexican descent.


Former President Donald Trump responded to anonymously sourced reports claiming a top U.S. general made comments he was ...


Here's the narrative: mass killers are almost always white men. The Daily Kos recently published a piece with this headline:


Isn’t going after Medics a violation of the Geneva convention? We’re at war with Detroit, no?


B-52s, B-1Bs and B-2s are all currently based in Guam.


It makes a terrorist's deadly mission that much easier.


A new report about the Bergdahl terrorist swap shows Obama broke the law by making the exchange. Breitbart reports: The ...


People putting words in the mouths of their children for political purposes is a sign of our times.


The City of Philadelphia is a bastion of anti-Catholic bigotry, considering that the city will no longer allow the archdiocese to handle foster children because the organization will only allow them into homes that have both a mom and dad; not two dads, or two moms, or two moms and a hyena, or tw


Chinese President Xi Jinping also called for international cooperation against a backdrop of a spiraling dispute with the U.S. over trade and technology


A British person is a slave. Britons are not permitted to cry out as they are raped. A Briton is a second-class citizen in a first class dystopia.


At least 40 people were shot, five fatally, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot's (D) Chicago.


It's time for a #TruthResurrection - Join Paul Nehlen to help defeat Paul Ryan this August 9th at http://ElectNehlen.com


Extinction is not a dirty word. It is essential for the evolution of life, yet Marxist environmentalists depict it as obscene.


Russian President Vladimir Putin may be the father of a secret teenage lovechild with a cleaner who is now worth more than $100 million, according to a report. An investigation by Russian media out…


It's time we come out of the closet. #ComingOut4Trump Join us on Twitter: @angryfraggot First video I've ever made. I know, I'm awkward. But this came from t...


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.


Campaign FEC filings have come out from the Trump campaign and they are NOT good: This is really making some wonder if Trump actually wants to win. Does he seriously believe he doesn?t need a…


Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says the Democrats' "long-term strategy" is to import foreign-born voters to replace Americans.


A former Democratic New York state assemblyman was escorted out of a Muslims for Peace event held at Rutgers. Dov Hikind yelled out 'What about your anti-Semitism?' at Rashida Tlaib.


The marker has been pummeled by a pickax and a sledgehammer, but now the West Hollywood City Council has voted to remove President Trump?s star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The panel unan…