
This election cycle we were promised a great leader to arise, one that would easily defeat the opposition with his constitutional values and strong principles. One that would bring the Republi…


So the internet is still open for business?


Italian actress and director Asia Argento, who became a #MeToo leader after being one of the first women to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, allegedly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a man who accused her of sexual misconduct when he was only a minor.


Facebook has come under fire lately from right-leaning users for censoring and banning conservative content. President Trump tweeted about the censorship of conservatives again today. Social Media Giants are silencing millions of people. Can’t do this even if it means we must continue to hear Fake News like CNN, whose ratings have suffered gravely. People ?


Christians in Chad are being intimidated and forced from public life, under new rules prioritizing Islam in violation of the North African country's secular foundations.


Evangelical leader Dr. James Dobson is grateful that legislation frequently dubbed as California’s “anti-Bible” bill – which was designed to ban the sale of anything opposing the homosexual agenda – has been withdrawn after not receiving enough votes to reach Gov. Jerry Brown’s (D-Calif.) desk.


Federal efforts to alleviate the high and rising cost of attending college through student loans have morphed from a policy challenge to a fiscal time bomb threatening to blow up the financial future of tens of millions of Americans and the government’s own solvency. Dressed up as a progressive achievement, it is actually a failure ?


The emails hacked from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta have offered an insight into the inner workings of the famously guarded candidate's operation.


To put it lightly, the Democrats have a problem. They managed to take control of the mainstream media yet still found a way to shrink their party and push away voters. It?s a stunning failure…


Americans' support for legalizing marijuana continues to set new records, with 66% of U.S. adults now in favor of making the drug legal.


Hudson County Young Republicans Demand Menendez Apology for Racist Taunts from Menendez Supporters Jersey City, October 25 – The Hudson County Young Republicans (HCYR) and NJ GOP State Committeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein are demanding a public apology from Bob Menendez. Last evening, prior to the debate between Bob Hugin and Bob Menendez, video was captured[...]


How outgoing California governor Jerry Brown made juvenile criminals a privileged class


The phrase might be of Asian origin, and that’s enough to sound the alarm.


Lately, Hollywood has been in a bit of panic mode. Clearly the election of Donald Trump has thrown them through a loop because they left no room for even the slimmest possibility of Trump winning the presidency. Comedian Tina Fey is no different and let her apparent distress be known to David Letterman in an interview he conducted with her for The Hollywood Reporter. The former late-night host commiserated with the former Saturday Night Live comedian over their newly found realization of American’s “misogyny”--(rich, coming from the host who admitted to sleeping with his interns)--and how they would deal with the disappointing blow.


The British Cabinet on Wednesday approved the draft Brexit deal reached by European Union and British negotiators after months of high-stakes discussions.


So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembli…


►Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Undoomed I figured we could all use a joke, right about now, with all the Christmas stress going on. :) Enjoy...


US President-elect Donald Trump has largely ditched the “distorted” media, opting to communicate through Twitter rather than press conferences and interviews. But CNN anchor Don Lemon said the media facilitates that by choosing to cover his tweets.


Mainstream media works in the realm of extremes. Their current narrative is that there's no shortage of of emotions flaring up on the political front as we get rolling in 2017. They tell us that the vast majority of Democrats are still furious over the election results. Meanwhile, they say the vast majority of Republicans are riled up as well, seeing in Donald Trump the answer to all their prayers.


Democrats 'know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they do the typical political thing and BLAME,' Trump wrote in a series of morning tweets.


You don't have to conform to the world. But neither must it conform to you.


On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama took to the stage one final time to give a farewell address. Americans couldn’t wait to see him go.
But he wouldn’t.
For 45 minutes, he babbled, fibbed, rehashed the good times and the other good times, the victories and the other victories, told a hackneyed fairy tale about the young prince who arrived in the swamps of Washington D.C. and left it a utopian vision at the mercy of an evil Troll.
And the media wept.
Unfortunately, the speech was chock full of fibs.