
President Trump’s firing of White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is the latest in a string of major administration departures over the last month. But unli…


Ezra Levant tuned in to Trump's announcement prepared to laugh. Then something weird happened...


By making immigration an issue, Republican Ed Gillespie is challenging Democrat Ralph Northam to answer for his party: do Democrats believe in borders?


Donald Trump is finally running for president, and the polls tell us he’s no joke—contrary to what his GOP rivals would like to believe. Last week’s Suffolk University survey has him second in New Hampshire, trailing Jeb Bush 14 to 11 percent. It wasn’t a fluke, as a national Fox News poll taken over roughly the same period also has Trump in second place to Bush, 15 to 11 percent.


Do you watch MTV? Probably not. No one really does. So how is it that a network with almost no viewers manages to not only stay on the air but produce “White People,” a white-shaming movie directed by a racist


The death of 26-year-old Gemmel Moore late last month in Hollywood, California was ruled an 'accident' due to an overdose of 'methamphetamine, but his family isn't so sure.


Despite what you may have read elsewhere ? or heard from the man himself ? Donald Trump is not all that popular with Republican voters. Sure, he’s in first place in many polls. But Trump is near ?


Billionaire Donald Trump released a detailed immigration plan on Sunday morning.


Heres a question I might suggest be asked of our presidential hopefuls: In a time of war, would unilateral disarmament be a good idea?


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is moving forward with a plan to scrap net neutrality rules, defying a massive outcry from activists, Democrats and consumers.


The gender wage gap is not due to discrimination, but choices about men and women's work habits.


An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported.


FacebookTwitterGoogleEmailAn incredulous Netanyahu yesterday ripped a BBC reporter for asking what he felt like was a dumb question, asking basically if John Kerry suggested he meet with Abbas, wou…


Congressman lays out factors influencing his decision


Rubio is now the most important figure in the GOP race, even as he trails Trump and Carson in the polls.


What's the real state of the union? A deep dive in the stats reveals both progress and peril.


Climate Change Activists To Americans: "Let them eat tofu!"


Curious to see who spoke the most in Tuesday night's GOP debate? So were we. NPR kept track of how long every candidate spoke - interruptions and all - during the debate.


EXCLUSIVE: Let down by authorities after a seven-year ordeal, Jennifer tells the Sunday Mirror for the first time how it was she who was left with a criminal record


My New Year's resolution is: to fuck shit up.


WASHINGTON (AP) — In its toughest challenge to Russia to date, the Trump administration accused Moscow on Thursday of an elaborate plot to penetrate America's electric grid, facto


President Eisenhower was the first President to fly in a helicopter. Here he is departing from the front lawn of the White House on July 15, 1957. Air Force Major Joseph E. Barrett flew President E…


They are suspicious about Trump's bona fides, but think the party is out of touch.


I can't wait to read the responses.