In an apparent violation of party rules requiring Democratic National Committee officers to remain neutral in presidential primaries, the DNC’s finance chairman has been raising money for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Henry R. Muñoz III, a former fundraiser for President Barack Obama who became DNC finance chairman in 2013, is helping...
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tells The Daily Signal that he’s not in favor of a GOP plan to extend Obamacare subsidies for a couple of years if the Supreme Court r...
The most recent cover of Time Magazine — or I should say what's left of it, given its parent company's recent decision "reducing ... circulation and frequency" of the formerly iconic publication — calls President Donald Trump's cabinet "The Wrecking Crew" on a mission of "dismantling government as we know it." Separate reports singled out EPA Director Scott Pruitt, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and HUD Secretary Ben Carson for scrutiny.
Breitbart.com, which boasts of having 18.7 million unique users per month — almost all of them conservative firebrands — is funded in part by New York hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, whose family is bankrolling a pro-Cruz super PAC as well as a political data company called Cambridge Analytica that is working with Cruz’s presidential campaign.
The mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, in an address to the radical socialist organization National Council of La Raza, bragged that his city is no longer majority white and the city’s schools now have students who speak 62 different languages. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Kansas City, Kansas, was 52 percent white. But in a speech [...]
Since Donald Trump's election win in 2016, his supporters and the political right in general have repeatedly been targeted for violence and intimidation. News broke Monday that anti-white hate cri
Original presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YfgKOnYx5A David Friedman's website: http://daviddfriedman.com/ Want to see more of this kind of thing...
The real winner of President Barack Obama's so-called
Politically correct professors at Washington State University are reportedly planning to give students bad grades if they use "oppressive and hateful language" like "illegal alien," "male" and "female."
On Friday night, Twitter apparently reconsidered its position that Rosie O’Donnell’s sexually harassing tweets to Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro did not violate any of their abuse policies, and required O’Donnell to delete the tweets.
Opining on an ongoing investigation.
Wow, look what the State Department just found -- only two days before Hillary Clinton's scheduled testimony!

Bernie Sanders on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“It makes no sense that you can get an auto loan with an interest rate of 2.5% but millions of college graduates are forced to pay 7% or more”
MAGA Live is a Fox News Live Streaming channel on YouTube. We also stream world events such as the march today. Please like and subscribe to help us out. We ...
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The House Intelligence Committee released its controversial memo outlining alleged abuses by the FBI and Justice Department in the Trump-Russia investigation.
Media parrot each other in attacks on FISA abuse memo. (Screenshot)From MSNBC to CNN to ABC, liberal media rushed to malign and dismiss a memo revealing abuse of the FISA warrant process that allowed the FBI to to surveil Trump adviser Carter Page.
Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout: The liberal media doesn’t just ask questions and report the news. They shape the narrative and they have been trying to “get” Trump since he won the election. It’s time to call them what they are – activists. Eddie Scarry writes at the Washington Examiner: Universal truths ?

It’s Too Easy for Terrorists

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Matt Mayer writes about the need for better security measures in the Visa Waiver Program.
President Barack Obama was just finishing up golfing at the Vineyard Golf Club around noon when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived by private jet.
The administration issued a record amount of heft in the federal rule book in 2015 as President Obama’s team, carrying out his orders to work around Congress, pushed his expansive government agenda on environmental, labor and Wall Street policy.
Party loyalty has limits. Mr. Trump has altered the political equation because he has altered the moral equation.
The list of men accusing a former Texas state judge and leading figure of the Southern Baptist Convention of sexual misconduct continues to grow. In separate court affidavits filed this month, two men say Paul Pressler molested or solicited them for sex in a pair of incidents that span nearly 40 years. Those accusations were filed as part of a lawsuit filed last year by another man who says he was regularly raped by Pressler. Pressler's newest accusers are another former member of a church youth group and a lawyer who worked for Pressler's former law firm until 2017.