Not everyone is who they say they are.
New Islamic State video quotes Qur'an, threatens jihad in London, Berlin, Rome Molenbeek: Muslim teen assaults female journalist live on air
Here's What Happens When Democrats Run Your State Government. Examining How the Left ruined California Video clips used from the videos below: People are mov...
On Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent two planeloads of illegals to the progressive tourist paradise of Martha's Vineyard.
The United States should take in some refugees from Syria, Trump said.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES A lot of people had the hope that Donald Trump would reform his ways after winning the Primary. I won?t say that was a reasonable hope, but I don?t begrudge anyone for holding it. We all have our moments of cockeyed optimism. There was definitely a reason you could believe that Trump was just cynically playing to right-wing stereotypes in | Read More
On Tuesday, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio launched an attack on Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., the parent company of Fox News.
The Arizona Republican Party announced on Friday it is appealing its election integrity case, taking it to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pay close attention to the mannerisms here. Watch Xi, then watch Justin Trudeau:
Pence: 'Many Americans Feel Like This Election Is Being Rigged' By the National Media
Two Iowa police officers were gunned down in their squad cars in the early hours of Wednesday and a manhunt was under way after what authorities called ambush attacks.
Graphics by Rachael Dottle Terry Wolfe has a dog, three cats and a deep desire to help elect members of Congress who will check President Trump. “I just cannot ?
The movement’s philosophy qualifies it as a popular delusion similar to the multiple-personality craze, and the ‘satanic ritual abuse’ and ‘recovered memory’ hysterias of the 1980s and 90s.
A senate rule change championed by outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid could leave Democrats powerless to stop any of President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet appointments. In 2013, Sen. Reid
Follow Liz on Twitter: @Liz_Wheeler Facebook: www.facebook.com/TippingPointonOAN Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialLizWheeler Instagram: @Liz_OANN
The Arizona Senate race between Reps. Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema was too close to call by late Tuesday night.
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg is under enormous pressure from the left to crack down on the "fake news" circulating on the social-media giant. He is well-advised to run as far as he can from the News Police. In a recent note on Facebook, Zuckerberg claimed he wanted to err "on the side of letting people…
-patriarchy is bad no no no -Online dating is the most effective form of dating -Enjoy the new format!
Let's talk about the foreign countries that REALLY involved themselves in our election. HINT: It's not Russia. And they didn't support Trump. The leftist mainstream media, which has their knickers in a twist because Trump won the election, must nurse their gaping political wounds by fabricating...
Embattled Broward County Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes claimed Saturday that racism is “probably” behind the widespread backlash against her.
He'll be staying in Washington, D.C., to continue working toward the racial polarization of America.
On Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump's eldest daughter Ivanka and her three children were harassed by belligerent passenger Dan Goldstein while on a Jet Blue flight. Goldstein, as we later learned from his husband's online bragging about the incident, couldn't control his displeasure with the President-elect, so naturally he took it out on Trump's daughter and three of his grandchildren.
The Clinton campaign likely failed in part because of Christianophobia in the top ranks of her leadership.
If a court can rule the Wisconsin state legislature does not have enough Democrats, it takes voting power away from the citizenry.