On Monday morning, President Trump defended his decision to allow his daughter, Ivanka, to sit in his spot at the G20 summit by pointing to – you guessed it – the Clinton family.
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has declined a proposal by Democrat Weintraub to investigate alleged foreign influence in the 2016 election
The liberal, marginalized national media still wants to push an illegal alien sob story narrative at all costs.
The president, who recently advocated a more isolationist U.S. policy, details his strategy for the nearly 16-year-old war.
Two weeks after violent clashes in Charlottesville, Va., and one week after violent protests in Boston, another clash is shaping up to take place in Berkeley, Calif. The well-organized, militant gr
Her outbursts are growing more frequent.
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has resigned hours after a fifth man — a relative — made public allegations Murray molested him when he was a child.
Clinton and James Patterson’s upcoming thriller, The President Is Missing, getting series treatment
A brave church usher stopped a deadly shooter after he shot and killed a woman and began indiscriminately firing at people inside the church, police say.
is this goodbye?
“Hi, you know what, I do apologize, I know you’ve come from a very long way, but we’re going to use someone else,” the homeowner tells the contractor.
NBC's Savannah Guthrie on Friday echoed Barack Obama's call for more gun control in the wake of the Charleston shooting. The Today host talked to South Carolina's Governor Nikki Haley and highlighted the President "venting" about gun violence. Guthrie quizzed, "I know you are a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Is there anything about this situation that makes you think, okay, should we rethink? Is it time for some kind of change?"  
David Barton guests http://web.gbtv.com/schedule/index.jsp
The biggest gun control scam of all
The GOP establishment is moving to excommunicate Trump and his supporters.
A powerful memorial from a powerful ally.
PPP's new Iowa poll finds Donald Trump continuing to lead...
The goal is to boost immigration and add several million new citizens to the voter rolls by November 2016.
CBS has refused to run advertising for Truth, the film starring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford that revisits a painful episode in the network's past involving a discredited 2004 news story on former President George W. Bush's military service record.

George W. versus the Tea Party

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

We haven’t heard much from President George W. Bush during the past seven years. After leaving office with approval numbers in the high 20s, he made a conscious decision to keep a respectful distance from Washington, to refrain from becoming the Pundit-in-Chief criticizing his successor’s every move. ?He deserves my silence,? Bush said of the newly elected Barack Obama. ?I think it is essential that he be helped in office.? Indeed, when the left was going wild in Obama’s first term, all the Bushes went mum. George W. was suddenly applauded by elites in both parties as a gallant statesman when he announced that he wouldn’t criticize his successor. Thankfully, grassroots Republicans didn’t agree. And when the Tea Party upstarts helped the Republican Party roar back in the 2010 midterms, the Bushes knew they were revolting not only against Obama, but against Bushism. President Bush broke his self-imposed silence in January 2011, in a speech at Southern Methodist University. The only problem was, he wasn’t attacking Obama, but conservatives. Addressing the immigration debate, he said: “(I)f you study history, there are some ?isms? that occasionally pop up ? One is isolationism and its evil twin protectionism and its evil triplet nativism.” These were potent insults directed at millions of hard-working patriots who helped elect him twice to the White House. Elites in both parties gleefully gobbled it up. Now, with his younger brother Jeb’s presidential campaign sputtering, George W. is officially silent no more. Now, with his younger brother Jeb’s presidential campaign sputtering, George W.
Dr. Michel Accad is a practicing cardiologist who blogs for a medical audience at http://alertandoriented.com. He's written several articles about healthcare...
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is the new House Speaker. The Wisconsin lawmaker earned a majority in voting Thursday morning.
Increased demands for security after Paris.