Nothing about the most dramatic campaign in memory was a foregone conclusion. The inside story of the pivotal choices that got us to President Trump.
Ocasio-Cortez’s coursework in economics apparently didn’t make much of an impression about the power of market enterprise.
‘We have, by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism’
Time finally caught up with Bill Nelson.
I agree with one of the women in the video below that says Kaepernick has a right to protest but I don't think the American flag should be on the table for debate.
Jeb Bush was a Republican presidential candidate in the 2016 presidential race. He was the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. In 2011 he received a ...
President Obama on Friday signed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, providing nearly $619 billion for war and military spending. The measure passed both houses of Congress with a veto-proof majority and will bring troops a modest pay raise while increasing the number of active-duty soldiers to more than 1.3 million. The NDAA also restricts transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention center, guaranteeing that Obama will leave office without fulfilling his pledge to close the prison. Meanwhile, press freedom advocates are raising alarm over a little-known bill rolled into the NDAA, which will create a national anti-propaganda center. Under the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, the State Department will actively work to "recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests."
“There must be serious legislative efforts to…”
A slew of high-profile stars — including Sally Field, former ‘The View’ co-host Rosie Perez, ‘Westworld’s‘ Jeffrey Wright, Keegan-Michael Key and ‘Boardwalk ...
A journey through rural Ohio reveals how a Republican billionaire who “shits on a gold-plated toilet” learned how to “talk Democratic” better than Clinton.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto beat President Trump to the punch — informing the White House on Thursday that he has canceled his trip to Washington. Trump earlier threatened to cancel next w…
    The fight — or the lack of one — continues over the border wall. And amid the political posturing, Lindsey Graham has written an open letter to Nancy Pelosi. Oh — that would be open letterS. Letters of the alphabet. Sen. Graham posted the message to Pelosi on Twitter Friday morning, and he kept it short and sweet. You may recall Chuck Schumer’s | Read More »
'It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!'

The failure of the media, explained

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

1791L - Independent informant. If you enjoy my videos, consider becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/1791L This episode was written by Michael Tracey, ...
Dark forces were at work during the 19th- and 20th-century.
First, let me say right up front, as a woman, I have nothing in common with the whiny women who are staging this pout-out today other than, possibly, we have the same plumbing. I have taken pleasure for over 40 years in defining the difference between this type of woman and what I call a Renaissance Woman. Renaissance women are winners, not whiners; leaders, not followers; and most importantly, victors, not victims. Either you are one or you aren’t. No one can turn you into one because it is a function of self-confidence, an optimistic view of the world, and a refusal to be intimidated, marginalized, ridiculed, or coerced into believing one point of view over another. I remember years ago debating Gloria Steinem on “The Phil Donohue Show.” I learned as a young woman that there was no way I was going to change the mind of this entrenched feminist, who embraced socialist beliefs. So I addressed my concerns
The editor who rushed out the apples-to-oranges photos of Obama and Trump with the Patriots confesses it was a terrible tweet.
The 'Special Report' All-Star panel weighs in
How odd: During the eight years of one of America’s shadiest presidencies, not one Obama administration official went to prison. Or was convicted of a crime. Or even indicted. Sure, Rep. Darryl Issa (R-CA) and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held plenty of hearings. But while they called countless press conferences, not one Democrat ever was held accountable for the numerous crimes exposed by this and other Republican-controlled congressional panels. Let’s stroll down memory lane and see how the Democrats acted when they investigated real or fabricated Republican scandals. When the Watergate “Plumbers” (so called because their clandestine

Climate Cult Redux

Submitted 7 years ago by ActRight Community

Continuation of Cult of Climate Change Climate alarmism has been called a cult or religion many times by respectable scientists (including Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever and NAS member physicist Richa…
President Donald J. Trump has backed the fight to save the critically ill British baby Charlie Grad, saying he would be "delighted" to "help" the boy.
By Michael Walsh, New York PostThe news was delivered by the New York Times in the breathless tones that might announce a cure for cancer or the discovery of life
What's behind the latest flare up?