
It is not clear if the fire was accidental, but tensions have loomed over the region for the last year amid reports of various attacks on vessels of Iran and Israel.


Plus: Parents face baby formula shortages and pro-abortion protests hit Virginia


"I think this movement is not really about protecting vulnerable students. I think it is a way to assert power and control over others. It is a way of asserting your cause without having to offer evidence and argument."


A Wyoming man who identifies as a transgender woman is on trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a bathroom. The trial for Miguel Martinez, who goes by the name Michelle, beg


Police say that around 3 PM, a woman on a moped attacked the boy who was riding his bicycle with a Trump sign, according to The Denver Post.


A U.S. appeals court in California on Monday let President Donald Trump's latest travel ban go partially into effect, ruling the government can bar entry of people from six Muslim-majority countries with no connections to the United States.


Obamacare supporters are excited by a research article suggesting Obamacare is working to increase access to care. In an article published in JAMA: The Journal


Shaun King may have misled media icon Oprah Winfrey, pretending to be black to qualify for an "Oprah scholarship."


Only about half of those surveyed said they ever took a class in high school that included lessons on the Constitution. It shows.


Looks like Barack Obama truly has transformed America.Chestnut Place is a condo community of about 60 homeowners in the quiet town of Murray, Utah. Apparently, a couple of members of the homeowners' association got 'tired' of looking at all the American flags being flown by residents so they decided to do something about it.The made a rule banning the flying of the American flag.Fox 13:'After the last board meeting, we were leaving and two members of the board and a resident said they were tired of looking at the flag,' said Jo Ann Dugay, who is one of the five board members on the Home Owners Association. 'They said 'is this flag row?' And that something needed to be done about it.”Something was: last week those living in the community were warned to take down the flags.'I'm not taking it down, that's one thing I won't do.' said Erin Worthen, one of the residents asked to remove it.As a result, she was fined $75 and given a notice, which states:'All exterior decorations must be removed within 10 days following the holiday... Please remove your flag from the common area (Utah Community Association Act. 57-8a-219)'Worthen said she was shocked at the language on the notice.'That is not a holiday decoration,' she points out. 'People have died for that, it is not a holiday decoration.'The President of the Home Owners Association was steadfast in her decision to enforce the fine Thursday. She said she was tired of seeing flags, not just the American flag, flying up and down the street all day and night, and 365 days of the year.'Flags are flown on holiday events,' said Lyn Steinbergen, President of the HOA. 'All we are trying to do is regulate when the flag goes up, and when it comes down.”Homeowners were hoping to address the stipulations at an HOA meeting scheduled for Thursday night, but with the room already full, and the meeting set to take place, board members canceled at the last second.'The board wasn't here tonight,' said a lawyer for the HOA. He says one board member was missing and that's why they canceled the meeting.But home owners felt the HOA was simply skirting the issue.'I have a legal right to fly my American Flag, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it,” yelled a frustrated Worthen.She said she was fined for the flag as well, and had scheduled to talk about it on the meeting agenda. She believes the board is simply trying to avoid addressing the situation, and believes the HOA President is mostly to blame.'Because she is not getting her way, she's going to shut it down,' Worthen said.The cowardly wretches on the board couldn't face the wrath of the people. Well, the story has gone viral and I will be surprised if they're on that board next week.I don't think they would have gotten away with it anyway. Clearly, flying the flag is political speech and no homeowners' association can restrict the exercise of it. If the homeowners who wanted to fly the flag sued, a judge would have slapped the association down right quick.This is not a 'safety' issue which is what schools claim when they ban the flag. God forbid showing the flag would enrage some Mexicans or Muslims. Their justification for banning the flying of the flag is simply personal pique -- they're 'tired' of seeing a bunch of flags flying all the time.Residents say they will call a special meeting next week to vote out the board members. I suggest they bring a barrel of tar and a few feather pillows with them, as well as a nice long rail so they can ride the flag haters out of town.Detroit Police Chief Credits Armed Homeowners for Reducing Crime


A highly anticipated book from Breitbart News investigative reporter Allum Bokhari, #DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election, hits bookstores today.


I don't wanna look Like some kind of fool I don't wanna break My heart over you I'm building a wall Every day it's getting higher This time I won't end up An...


Democrats maintain a lead over the GOP on the generic ballot, with 47 percent of registered voters saying they’d support Democratic candidat...


The types of Americans drawn to ISIS vary widely in terms of race and age.


Top DHS Screening Official Unable To Provide Stats On Refugees (December 10, 2015)


Video Explains The FISA Memo, Dossier, And FBI Abuse Perfectly
Submitted 7 years ago by BluePillSheep .com • fisa memo fbi dossier trump russia mueller schiff
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) along with other key figures explain in this video the FISA Memo and the Trump-Russia Dossier and its use by the FBI to obtain a FISA Warrant on Carter Page as clear and concise as possible.


After the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, the media are going out of their way to avoid talking about President Obama's track record.


The Koke Report is conservative News/Media aggregation website. #1 source for all your favorite news and media...


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer attacked one of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees on Wednesday because the nominee is not a racial minority. WATCH: The Democrat from New York said on the


Hillary Clinton Is Sorry You're An Idiot And Was Insulted Her Comments
Submitted 7 years ago by Blue Pill Sheep • clinton trump maga 2016 election india
Clinton Apologized In A Facebook post about you being too stupid and ‘Misunderstood’ Her Quip in India About Husbands Forcing Wives To Vote Trump.


Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez is on video admitting to not only bullying and ostracizing the Parkland shooter, but that she was justified in doing so. Lots to dive into on this one, so let’s roll tape: https://twitter.com/Millenniel_Matt/status/978087331818242048 Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/9TOFaW9FgPA


The FBI is investigating whether computer passwords were shared among Hillary Clinton's close aides to determine how sensitive intelligence jumped the gap between the classified systems and Clinton's unsecured personal server, according to an intelligence source familiar with the probe.


Tucker Carlson has said that a package of documents detailing Hunter Biden's business, sent by Fox News from Manhattan to LA on Monday disappeared en route.