Actor George Clooney has a strange way of fighting the influence of money in politics.
Former VA Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, Joins Dana Watch full episodes of Dana weeknights, live at 6pm ET, or on demand with a subscription to TheBlaze T...
CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men in U.S. Jobless or Incarcerated
According to Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, the White House has narrowed down its list of potential Supreme Court nominees to a top five: Brett Kavanaugh, 53, of the D.C.
Much amusement around and about the place as Donald Trump tells California that there is no drought and that when he's President then there will be plenty of water for everyone. The amusement being that of course, how could anyone spout such nonsense, everyone knows that California's had a drought [...]
Largest Voting Machine Vendor in US Admits Its Systems Had Remote-Access Software Installed
The abuse included grooming children to become school shooters, and killing one in a ritual.
A Swedish woman was molested by 9 migrants during her lunch break this week in Nassjo, Sweden. The woman wrote ...
RUSH: Julian Assange at WikiLeaks claims that there are a whole lot more emails coming.  And he says that they are about Benghazi, but not so much what you think of when you hear Benghazi.  Have any of you ever stopped to ask yourself, "What were we doing there?"
The Los Angeles chapter of the left-wing domestic terrorist group Antifa is calling for a “sea of armed masses” to take to the streets with weapons, using “revolutionary violence against the enemies of the people” – meaning conservatives, Trump supporters, and pretty much anyone else who supports traditional American values and the rule of law.
The retailer’s aggressive cost cutting has unintended consequences.
Bikini-clad blimp of London Mayor Sadiq Khan flies over Parliament pic.twitter.com/hvNB9nvY6R — FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) September 1, 2018 The organizer of the 29-foot Sadiq Khan bikini blimp Yanny Bruere said its aim is to humiliate Mayor Sadiq Khan in his hometown. The idea was hatched after angry leftists floated a Trump in a diaper …
Actress Piper Perabo says she was arrested while protesting Supreme Court judge nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.
Nick Monroe On Tuesday several Texas doctors attended the Kavanaugh hearing in Washington DC. After the hearing the doctors told reporter Adam Schindler that they witnessed organized activists with a bag of cash paying the rent-a-mob protesters. Via Liberty Unyielding: The Texas doctors were telling the truth. Adam Schindler later posted a photo of a …
It looks like MSNBC is aiming to get their untrustworthy numbers to match Hillary Clinton's.
By Chloe Anagnos | "Government and lobbying power can slow down the pace of change but they won’t stop progress." ~ Chloe Anagnos
The Fifth Amendment does't apply to making accusations
A FATHER who said he suffered “seven years of persecution” has been forced to flee his home under armed guard amid fears for his safety.
As Mike Pence attended the musical Hamilton, the cast scolded him on “diversity”-- the same production that said white actors need not apply.
HONOLULU (AP) — A donor has pulled his support for students at the University of Hawaii after the art department's chairwoman organized a sign-painting party to protest President-
Drained Media is calling the Floridian Senate race between Former Governor Rick Scott and Bill Nelson for Rick Scott. Drained Media will update this story as more information is released.
‘And the union people crawled away…’- Billy Joel, Allentown   ‘Funny that Billy just endorsed Hillary. He must have forgotten?
The media narrative of whites lashing out against other groups as Donald Trump rose to become president-elect is the leading irritant stirring unrest across the U.S., former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum suggested Tuesday evening during a televised forum. Addressing the a spike in hate crimes since Trump was elected on Nov. 8, Santorum called out the media, including the two CNN commentators he was sitting with, for focusing on what he called whitelash. I think frankly, when people like Ana Navarro and Van Jones get up and talk about whitelash and how Donald Trump hates Muslims, and all of the negative things the press is spewing out about what Trump is going to do — that's got people more worked up than anything else, Santorum said.
U.S. intelligence agencies have “high confidence” that Russia acted during the elections to promote Trump, said senior officials, the NYT reports.
We won some races, but we lost a lot more. Losing has one advantage over winning - pain is a better teacher than joy.