In a Pew survey on attitudes toward the Trump administration, only Israelis and Russians viewed the U.S. favorably.
May God guide us in our words so that we can be at the right time and the right place for veterans or for those who care about them.
This is the culmination of a longtime Obama policy of destroying the US-Israel relationship.
A Utah legislative committee on Wednesday asked a lawmaker to refine a bill that seeks to — eventually — shut off water to the National Security Agency’s data center in Bluffdale. Committee members expressed some ...
CHIPOTLE CHEAPO Hillary Clinton, on her infamous Blackberry, somewhere between New York City and Iowa this week. Hillary must still be struggling to pay her mortgages, or perhaps her mega-carbon footprint deluxe limo "van" needs to conserve gas money, because…
Sen. Maxine Waters (D-CA) called for attacks against members of President Donald Trump's administration over the weekend, screaming to a group of supporters that they should not be welcomed anywhere in society.
PHOENIX (Feb. 24, 2015) - Yesterday, an Arizona House Committee voted 6-1 to pass a bill that would ban Common Core in the state. Introduced by State Reps.
Sessions Pledged Loyalty To The Constitution, Rule Of Law And Equal Justice (January 10, 2017)
Once again, "investigative reporter" Jeff Rossen goes out of his way to not tell the whole story and whip up hysteria to attack gun owners.
Penzeys, a Wisconsin-based spice retailer, has accused the Republican Party of embracing racism for backing Donald Trump.
Israel's defense minister Moshe Yaalon said 'there was no aid on board' the activist ship. Not necessarily so — but pretty close. We checked. You decide
Wednesday, March 4: Fulton County police detective Terence Avery Green was killed, shot in the head by a suspect. According to WXIA-TV, Atlanta:
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In a surprise move, the Wisconsin Legislature has called an extraordinary session to pass Right to Work legislation that will curb the worst abuses of union power – the power to coerce workers in certain fields into mandatory union membership. The efforts of Scott Walker against the public sector unions and in support of growing GOP numbers in the | Read More »
One of the most remarkable consequences of President Trump’s making America great again has been the revolution in energy policy under The Donald.
A new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill revealed something astonishing: not that President Trump’s approval continued to climb, resting at 47%, but that his approval
Last night, Keith Olbermann got into it on Twitter with Penn State fans and students--originally over, of all things, the school's annual pediatric cancer fundraiser. (His tweets are embedded below.) It was weird and unnecessary, and now ESPN has taken Olbermann off TV for the rest of the week.
Milo Yiannopoulos explains the real reason his UC Davis talk was canceled. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the march as I already drove a total of 7 ho...
A college prep study guide on European history puts Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas in the same camp as the Ku Klux Klan in trying to describe the French Revolution. Barron's AP European History, 7th Edition is aimed at students attempting to enter college. According to The Daily Caller, the book uses a diagram to explain the political spectrum at the time of the French revolution in terms young Americans would be familiar with.Â
Bigotry is borne of ignorance and the nasty snark the Political Wire’s Taegan Goddard launched at Scott Walker’s Christian faith Tuesday is a perfect example of a secular leftist who finds everyday Christianity freakish. Sadly, it is also the result
Obama has opened a conference on countering violent extremism, it is obvious he doesn't understand the problem.
President Obama surprised many at the National Prayer Breakfast when he lectured us, Lest we get on our high horse and think this (barbarity) is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. Obama went on to explain, In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often (were) justified in the name of Christ. In Obama's mind, Western outrage at Islamic barbarism should be tempered by the remembrance of what Christians did a thousand years ago in the name of Christ. Plus, that outrage should be chastened by our own history of slavery and Jim Crow.
President Obama's vision is that of a man brainwashed through an academic vision of multiculturalism, in which American exceptionalism has no place. It's a vision that has been shaped by a longtime association with people who hate our country, people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground leader and Pentagon bomber William Ayers and Ayers' onetime fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn. A vision that sees a moral equivalency between what Christians did centuries ago and today's Islamic savagery is quite prevalent in academia. It's part of what's worshipped on most college campuses as diversity and multiculturalism.